Ragdolls for ammunition aye? Well, that be somethin’ new. I prefer me old fashioned cannon balls made o’ iron, but maybe those ugly, cloth dolls would strike fear in the British Navy. Alrighty, this here pirate be jesting ye big time. I just talked about Ragdolls because I like this new one from Backflip Studios called Ragdoll Blaster 3.
Backflip Studio is one of the more successful mobile app developers. They have delivered popular apps like Ninjump, Dragonvale, and Boss Battles. Back in 2009, they came out with one of their first apps, Ragdoll Blaster. At that time, the game had simple mechanics and simpler graphics. It was good but nothing great. Nevertheless, it was a success. They launched a sequel, Ragdoll Blaster 2 in 2010, and with it features miles apart from the first one, complete with the whole punk vibe. After 2 years of waiting, Ragdoll Blaster 3 has come out and is supremely better than the first 2. And here is a quick look what you will be in for should you decide to download this one priced at about a dollar for iOS device owners.
Ragdoll Blaster Basics
Ragdoll Blaster’s game concept hasn’t really changed from its first to its most latest release. The game basically involves a target. Your objective is to knock it down with ragdoll ammunitions. Just aim, shoot, and pray to the gods you hit.
Easier said than done, really, since each level will have a number of obstacles that may possibly obscure your line of sight to the target and make the whole process a lot more difficult. Now, shooting a ragdoll is as simple as pie. Just tap on the screen where you want the cannon to shoot and presto! The strength of your shot will depend on the proximity of your finger to the cannon as well as the physics behind it. Don’t worry, you will get used to the whole idea fast and furious once you begin playing as the game has a fast learning curve, which makes it an ideal app for casual gamers and puzzle-loving enthusiasts
There are a total of 100 levels divided into 5 worlds (20 apiece), with each world featuring a different targets, obstacles, and environments. Like the old versions of the game, this one also puts value in how you solve each level through a rating system. Hit the target with as few ragdolls as you can and your rating will be much higher.
On each level, you may encounter tons of buttons. Collect these and you can use them to upgrade your ragdoll ammunition for aesthetic purposes. Alternatively, you can buy more buttons by way of real currency but that really isn’t necessary since everything can be earned naturally in-game.
Game Gets Better and Better
Backflip Studios is one of the few developers that can take pride in the fact that they never rest on their laurels. They continuously churn out better apps and sequels. Ragdoll Blaster 3 proves that as it is light years ahead of its predecessor in both game mechanics and graphics, which is 3D now as opposed to the old 2D stick figure artwork in the older versions. The app has some kind of background story behind it now, but I paid no attention to it as it seemed to be just a distraction from the beauty of the game. The audio, particularly the voices in the cut scenes, could have been better, but that is no biggie. All in all, Ragdoll Blaster 3 is a sublime app to tinker with and priced just right for all iOS users.