Travel Channel Layover Guide

Supports iPadFourthGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPadFourthGen4G, iPhone-3GS, iPodTouchThirdGen, iPhone4S, iPhone4, iPad23G, iPodTouchourthGen, iPad2Wifi, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPadWifi, iPadThirdGen, iPhone5, iPad3G Devices and is rated 3.5 by 140 Users

Heal Your Body A-Z - Louise L. Hay

Supports all Devices and is rated 4.5 by 410 Users

Live Texas Hold 'em Poker 100k by A.S.H.

Supports all Devices and is rated 4.5 by 123 Users


Supports iPodTouchThirdGen, iPhone-3GS, iPadWifi, iPad23G, iPhone4, iPad2Wifi, iPad3G, iPodTouchourthGen Devices and is rated 4 by 1135 Users


Supports iPad3G, iPhone4, iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone-3GS, iPadWifi, iPodTouchThirdGen, iPodTouchourthGen Devices and is rated 4.5 by 5016 Users

ICD 9 (With - 2013 ICD CM & PCS Procedure Codes)

Supports all Devices and is rated 4.5 by 146 Users

Baby Monitor - WiFi & Bluetooth w/Background Audio

Supports all Devices and is rated 3 by 152 Users

Dead Rage: Prologue

Supports iPadFourthGen, iPad2Wifi, iPadMini4G, iPadWifi, iPadThirdGen, iPhone4, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPhone5, iPad3G, iPhone-3GS, iPodTouchThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPodTouchourthGen, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadMini Devices and is rated 4 by 712 Users

C++ (Compass++) HD – Get a great looking compass!

Supports all Devices and is rated 2.5 by 832 Users