Avast, me hearties, the waves have marooned me once more on land and I be ready to share another review with ye all. But before that, can ye name me one poxy plague that suffers all sea farers and land lubbers alike? If ye had guessed zombies, then yer correct, for they have been a constant curse through the ages. I remember a night when I and me crew were stranded in the marshes of a distant southern land. There we met with a shaman who had regaled us with tales of “Voodoo Zombies” and how the dead would rise again from a curse laid upon them. This is why we as brave men of the sea had decided to rid the world of the undead, even if it is just through this new title dragged up from the deep.
The Age of Zombies and How it Plays
As this be an iOS, Android, and PSP game, ye can expect that it controls much like other shooters that need two analog sticks. Ye are tasked to use the the controls on left hand side to move Barry, while the right controls yer aimin’. Of course, smoothness in controls makes all the difference in these shooter titles, and in Age of Zombies you only get the smoothest controls. It handles very well, and that really matters when it comes to immersion in the game. The shooting is very similar to other shooters on the app store since it is a run and gunner. The difference here is that you get a lot more variety in the way of your flintlocks, and the addition of black powder grenades just adds a little bit more fun to fighting the zombie masses. It also makes great use of the maps, as cunning navigation will aid you in avoiding your demise. Lastly, the damage system be enchanted, as taking damage and avoiding death will result in health regeneration.
The Story
I am not a sentimental corsair, but every now and again I do like to spin a tale for me hearties to hear. Age of zombies chooses to tell a story that sounds quite familiar to me heart. You play as Barry Steakfries, an unfortunate land lubber who has been cast into the whirling waters of the past in order to fight zombies of every age. He loves to swear and his favorite form of jest be the kind best left to the taverns and during nights when rum is passed to every crewman. Similarly, Serious Sam almost has an identical plot, only that Sam fought the Star people through each age in time he was sent to. For Age of Zombies to emulate something so funny is a bonus, and the originality of the humor will hit the right notes at some times, while fall flat at others.
The Graphics
In a few words, aye, this game be a pretty one. Of course, while it isn’t of console or desktop quality, the game is inked very well, and the little zombie models are as non-threatening as those in Plants Vs. Zombies. To keep in touch with the theme, it also switches zombies to mummies and other forms of the unded depending on which era Barry might land in.
The Last Word
While Age of Zombies does plunder the chests of both older and newer games for some ideas and mechanics, that be no reason to ignore this title. The elements that the game does borrow, quite often are pulled off wel, and since it is a highly polished game it does them in a respectable manner. In fact, the game can at times prove that it is better than its borrowed elements. Overall, ye should sail the App store seas and give this title a try. I know I will while I am on the ship braving the seven seas once more.