Birds be adorable creatures to have around, and they didn’t pasty ratty so much, I would love to have many o’ aboard. Before ye get into it, I’m not one o’ ’em stereotype pirates that ye see flooding the movies. I do not own a Parrot, and I never will own one. They be creatures that were meant to be free of the cages that other captains keep ’em in. This is why I don’t agree with the many that say I should buy a Parrot, or any bird for that matter. Ratty has been me little pet for the longest time, and I’m not about to replace him. However, it be fun at times to play a bird that has an important goal. In Air Penguin, there be no bigger goal then finding the little critter’s family.
The Story of our little Penguin Protagonist
Say what ye will, a good yarn be the key to keeping a lot interest in the game. Sure, ye could just go the way of making another adorable bird game, but it will lack that certain spark. Aye, some stories insubstantial, and don’t really have a lot to do with how the game works. It doesn’t matter though because a good yarn still stands well on its own. A story that evidences this is the long plot in the Mass Effect series. In this title, however, the story only serves to make our protagonist even more heroic as he is tasked with rescuing family and other penguins. It be a noble sentiment, and it makes you understand why the little penguin is going through so much effort jumping from ice block to ice block.
The Gameplay
Perhaps this title is not original, for it does borrow from other games. The tilting action be the trademark of many other games before this one, of course, it doesn’t stop Air Penguin from being good. The controls, as you may surmised already, be of the tilting kind, and make full use of the otherwise forgotten features the iPhone be boasting. At the same time, the platformer-esque design of levels puts forth a bit more fun experience. As ye go along, ye have to use the different floating ice blocks that litter the path ahead o’ ye.
If ye fall into the water, ye don’t die, as penguins are awesome at swimming however, it does prevent ye from getting closer to any other penguins so yer run ends there. Each level is split apart, and all of them have at least five golden fishies that ye can collect. These fishies are used to enhance yer power ups during each level. Upon closer examination of the upgrade system though, ye might find that it be a little lacking as other titles try their best to expound on a good system. In that, ye find one failing in the game, as there be not much to do in terms of upgrades. Though without those enhancements, ye are sure to be stuck on the bottom of the leader boards, which ye will soon find disappointing.
Should ye get it?
In essence, Air Penguin offers something old with a more refined coat o’ paint. This is the strength o’ the game, and it be at least work a look. Since most iOS games are cheap anyway, ye can’t say that the price is too much. At the same time, after ye finish most missions, there be no reason to go back and play more of it. There is a survival mode that ye can play, but it’s basically the same thing only never ending. If anything, ye should at least try to get this title to spice up yer library just a bit more.