Ahoy thar, mateys! Belay and listen to me, ye doggone landlubbers! I have with me a new game that ye be surely going addled over. This dusty old Pirate didn’t encounter such a fine gem in a long long time. If ye like aliens… or magnets…. ye scurvy dogs will lose yer wits over Alien with a Magnet! Here is the breakdown.
From the laboratory of Rejected Games comes this fun game called Alien with a Magnet. In it, you are an alien who has had this unfortunate accident and is now lost. Needing to find your way home, you will traverse and move around space by using magnets to get from one point to another. While on your way, you will be collecting bonus points and stars as well as power-ups that will help you gather more points. Think this sounds good? Well it does, but it gets more interesting than this, and here is why.
What makes this game so different from other puzzlers is its platform. Combining the elements of arcade and puzzle games, Alien with a Magnet makes you travel lots of galaxies using a magnet to get to your goal. Of course, this is not all there is to it. The game challenges you with random asteroids that will block your way, dark holes and puzzles. Other than the story mode, you can also have tons of fun in the bonus mode as well as the time attack mode. What’s more is that you can also challenge your friends who play the game online and see who among you will be the greatest in this game.
There are over 45 beautifully done levels in Alien with a Magnet and each level just becomes even more challenging than the last one. This is a great feature as the game will not tend to be repetitive if the challenge remains on the same degree of difficulty in all levels. The more you move up, you’ll have more obstacles blocking your path making you think twice as to the best strategy and exits you need to take.
After the short introduction video, you will have the opportunity to get the hang of the game with the tutorial mode. This is a good thing as most games these days just let you figure it out for yourself. Your primary goal is to move around space from one planet to another by magnetizing your spaceship and hovering around objects. Letting go at the exact moment allows you to jump to another object until you get to your goal.
To do this, you simply hold down and touch your screen. The controls are superbly easy in this game. You will be able to collect a lot of hidden gems in this game, but they really do not open up a new type of game or give you some sort of reward other than the achievement of acquiring them. Diamonds that you collect on the other hand, can lead to side paths. As for the game’s visuals, it is very impressive and colourful. It’s not exactly what you would expect from a puzzle game that makes it even more delightful to play with.
The Verdict
All in all, Alien with a Magnet is an original and refreshing take on puzzle games as it combines the element of arcade-type game play. More than that, it is visually engaging and fun to play with most of all. Having this game on your device will surely provide you with tons of enjoyable hours.