Arr, breaking things be a pirate’s main source o’ income as we can break anything between locks, to massive metal doors. The booty be always better when the target is harder to break, and that be a fact. Once in a while though, me and me crew would crack into a vault and find that the treasure behind be of a personal nature. In these cases, we respect ‘em and only steal the most valuable possession they have. Oh don’t judge us, we be scurvy dogs all the same, and even a dog has ta it one in a while. Let’s jump back to breaking things though, as Amazing Breaker be all about carnage and destruction.
What ye get to break
Possibly one o’ the best things to break are made o’ ice. The solid structure of a gorgeous ice structure is always fun to wreak havoc upon, and it be more evident as ye make an effort to get maximum destruction. This be the whole premise o’ the title, and don’t need to expound much beyond that. It works awesomely and putting a story into the game won’t even make sense in the long run. What preposterous yarn would ye have to spin to explain destruction o’ ice after all? Unless ye played an ice hating creature that somehow had access to a sling shot and a plethora of bombs. You know what, for the sake of’ this review, then that should be the default story in yer head then.
The game be largely centred on the destruction o’ the ice sculptures. From the gorgeous and delicately sculpted rose, to a rough beer bottle filled with the amber brew, there be no difference as ye make an effort to destroy these devils. To add on to a false story, just imagine that these ice blocks be nefarious creatures that took yer family away. That way, it would be easier for ye to throw bombs at ‘em. To destroy the ice sculptures ye have exactly 3 tools at yer disposal. Firstly, the slingshot and the bombs are yer main method o’ destruction, this is backed up by the walls o’ game as yer bombs can ricochet off the walls and destroy ‘em even more expansively.
At the same, these three tools require tons o’ yer attention and whole strategies can be made around ‘em. There are tiny nooks that ye can pass to get the maximum effect outta each bomb shot, and if ye plan right, ye can even explode some in close proximity so that you make the most out of all hits you make. Coming together, this game probably does a better job at destruction than Angry Birds ever did as the action is much more visceral.
The look of destruction
One cannot mention this game without pointing out that the visuals are gorgeous for a game about destruction. The sculptures, once again, seem like they were made with the utmost interest in design and look. The black backdrop only serves to make the beautiful design pop even more. It almost seems a shame to destroy the ice as they really were nicely made, however, that all goes out the window once ye realize that destroying these things are much more fun to watch than just static images. That is probably one more reason why this game is so good, even when it has such simple design and mechanics.
Why not give it a Try
If yer looking for something new to play, then this is the title to look into as it does offer a ton of interesting things. It doesn’t go about following the trends in gamin’ and instead they change it up by focusing on one awesome premise. If ye got the time, check it out and ye might be impressed.