
Latest Reviews

Truth or Dare Review

On June 15, 2017

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It’s me again, yer favorite app pirate ready to face another exciting booty hunting adventure. But ‘afore I do that, ‘course this bucko will share with ye an app review that me know ye will love. I remember when this bucko was younger, me and me friends used to […]

Mandora Review

On June 11, 2017

Ahoy there me hearties! Yer favorite app pirate is back for another app review straight from the seven seas. Ye would not believe it but ‘afore I became a pirate, I wanted to become a farmer. Aye, this buccaneer has a green thumb! I used to have a little garden back home when me was […]

Ahoy there me hearties! We’re about to go on another booty hunting adventure. The crew is preparing to sail, but afore me join them, ‘course I won’t forget to give ye a dose of another app review. The app that I will share with ye today is called Follow the Line 2D Deluxe by Nenoff. […]

Fidget Spinner Review

On June 4, 2017

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Me a little bit tipsy from all the drinking me and the crew had last night. But don’t fret me lads and lasses, this bucko can still share an app review with ye. Of course, I wouldn’t forget that no matter what. The app that I will […]

Clawbert Review

On June 1, 2017

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate back from an exciting adventure around the seven seas. I remember when I was a little lad, me and me friends would always go in arcades. We even skipped school at times and went home late ‘cause this bucko enjoyed playing so much. Me […]

English Guess the Phrase Review

On November 17, 2016

Ahoy there me mateys! Here’s yer favorite apps pirate back from another adventure from the seven seas. Booty hunting was again a success. Me and the crew got loads o’ pearls, golds and other treasures, and we enjoying it. These buccaneers are having a blast at the good old jolly roger partying and drinking rum. […]

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. Ahoy there me hearties. Yer friendly app pirate is here again for another review of an app that me found while booty hunting on the seven seas. The app that I will share with ye today reminded me of something about me past. Ye see, when I […]

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