Ahoy mateys. Alas, there has been a situation at the good ole Jolly Rogers. I have just lost me favorite parrot, Squawk. You see mate, I have new lads working for me. They are a bit fresh from the port of me hometown. I like my pirate trainees witless but full of heart lads. But being witless may have gone too far. You see, yours truly got excited over the new expansion of Angry Birds, the Angry Birds Seasons. So I shouted at me lads that it was time to get birds angry. Unfortunately, they got the wrong clue and angered Squawk until he left the ship. It is a good thing that I can still play Angry Birds Seasons. Here is my review for this mobile game app.
Angry Birds
Okay matey. If you have been hiding under a treasure chest you probably have no idea what the original mobile gaming app is all about. The plot of the game is quite simple. Green body less pigs stole eggs from easily irritable birds. This did not sit well with the fierce fowls. From that incident on, they have mounted a full and epic scale assault against the green swine. The birds are so angry that they even risk their bodies to hurt the pigs. Yes, they literally ride a slingshot to be flung over well-hidden pigs. The more hurt the pigs are, the happier the birds become. There are several birds that a player can use in the game. There is the red bird that is a simple pull and fling type of character. Then there is the black bird that becomes a bomb. There is also the blue birds trio. It is three little birds attacking at the same time. The variation of the birds makes the game great. There are more birds. And each one has a power of their own. What this pirate has just described is the old version. What more can players get from the new and improved Angry Bird Seasons?
Angry Birds for all Season
Now the game developers of Angry Birds want to retain its lead over the other mobile games. That is why they are always ahead of the class by coming up with different versions to refresh the loved mobile app. And this time around they are harping on the beauty and the natural interest for seasons. How does the game theme reflect in the mobile game app? The Angry Bird Seasons celebrate Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and other special seasons. The effort to refresh the game by giving it a new set of skin to put on is commendable. The game play is simple and the puzzle challenges can be a bit repetitive. That is why these new themes inspired by seasons are brought in to make way for new puzzles. Great games and great mobile game developers know when to admit that they have to refresh their act. And that is why Angry Birds will go on for many seasons, will go long for years and years to come.
On the Level of Designing
The game is a great eye candy. Colors are bright to give your eyes a visual feast. Each level is designed well. And the addition of the seasons as design elements can leave you just staring at your touch screen monitor to enjoy. The birds are also uniquely designed. Each one has a skill that helps in dishing out powerful move after powerful move to annihilate the piggies.
The mobile game Angry Birds Seasons may be seen as a simple expansion. But it offers more than just that. Download it and give it a try now.