Ahoy there me lads and lasses! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to sail the seven seas once more. Are ye up to goin’ on another exciting journey with me and me crew and of course me parrot? But afore we sail on me ship, this old buccaneer will be giving ye another review for an extremely fantastic game called Anthill.
This is a well-loved application from Image & Form International AB. It’s one of the most successful game app ever released receiving positive feedbacks from app critics and gamers.
The Basics
This is a strategy and defense game that will keep you playing for hours. You may find yourself hooked in playing this app, but don’t worry as this happens to almost everyone that tries it. Your goal is to protect your anthill and the queen from the enemies. There are different types of ants that you can use and you must choose where to place them wisely. Collect foods from enemies that you kill as foods are used for adding more ant units. So the more enemies you kill the more foods you can collect.
Direct where you wish your units to go by drawing lines on the game screen. Select the unit that you wish to deploy and they will follow the line that you created. It is possible to delete these lines if you do not need them anymore. Tap on the line that you wish to remove and tap on the delete option. Stars will be awarded at the end of each level. The higher the score the more stars you will earn. If you wish to collect more stars on a certain level, you can always go back and play. The stars collected can be used for upgrading the abilities of your ants. There are three worlds with over 20 levels to complete. The background, enemies and path change on each level so it’s not only entertaining, it is also exciting to see what the next level would bring.
The Ants
There are four types of ants to use on this game. The workers are responsible for collecting foods. However, they cannot defend themselves so you need your ant fighters to protect them, while protecting the anthill and the queen. The soldier ants are the strongest and they can attack the enemies effectively taking them down.
The spitters are good for offense as they can attack enemies from a distance. However, they are not as strong as the soldier ants. The bomber ants fly so there is no need to draw a line for them to follow. Tap on the area where you wish the bomber to attack. After killing the enemy, it will go back to your anthill.
This app will not receive consistent excellent reviews and feedback for nothing. It is a must have app that will keep you entertained and challenged. Though you need to pay $1.99 for this game, the money that you will be paying is worth it because of the amazing game experience it brings. The graphics are detailed, crisp and clear and the sound adds life to the already thrilling game.