
Latest Reviews

Find Differences Review

On July 21, 2016

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Yer friendly app pirate is here again ready to share with ye another app review that I got from exploring the seven seas. It’s not all the time that we are booty hunting. Me and the crew spend a lot of time sailing to our next spot to dig […]

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! We’re back in the ship and the crew would be sailing anytime to go on another adventure in the seven seas and beyond. As ye know me mateys, we stop over in some cities every now and then and spend time with our landlubber friends. Although sea […]

Ahoy there me mateys! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate back for another great app find from the seven seas. Aye, with all those booty hunting adventures that I had with me crew and parrot pet, I had to heave ho to bring you this app that I snapped from the corsairs. The app […]

Gods of Rome Review

On July 11, 2016

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again yer friendly app pirate back from another swashbuckling adventure from the seven seas. Aside from Dave Jones, another name that pirates are afraid in the seas is Poseidon. Aye, this old salt and me crew had seen his wrath when he gets mad. Those big waves would make […]

Avast ye me hearties. Yer friendly app pirate is here for another game review that I want to share with ye. It may be unlikely of the character that ye think that this bucko has, but ye see, this old salt really has a sense of style. Aye! Whenever we have a party in the […]

Epic Skater Review

On July 7, 2016

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again yer friendly app pirate back from another adventure from the seven seas and down Davey Jones’ locker. When I was a young lad, one of me favorite things to do with me friends was go skating. Aye, I was good at it! If I didn’t become a pirate, […]

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s yer app pirate here back for another great find that I wanna share with ye. I got it from sailing the seven seas and diving down Davey Jones’ locker. When I was a little lad, I would always scare me friends by hiding somewhere and changing me voice to that […]

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