Trains!? A pirate on a train, what were you thinkin’. Ooohhh, good ol’ Calypso must be playing her tricks again on me ears. Aye, she does that quite a bit, ya know. Remember this fella’, never ever mention trains around pirates or ya may soon find your head missin’ an ear by way of a […]
Latest Reviews
Snapchat Review
Hey thar fellow buccaneer. I be scrolling all the new apps available on me smartphone while the Jolly Roger breezes through this here stinkin’ storm that Calypso brought us. Anyways, I be wondering whether this here Snapchat app be a good download. What d’ya think? Ahh, so you are interested in Snapchat, a cool app […]
Bad Piggies Review
Thar she blows! Got me sights on another beauty, a white humpback, they be rare these days. So, what was I ramblin’ about before that leviathan spouted up? Oh yeah, about Rovio, the developers of Angry Birds. Aye, they be up and about again with Bad Piggies. This old pirate be thinkin’ this another sure […]
Viber Review
Ahoy matey, I be noticin’ your loneliness ever since we left port. Ye need to get used to leavin’ yer old ball n’ chain if ye really want to be a pirate like me. And if the blues be too heavy to bear, ye got yer smartphone there. Just call her up and get a […]
Ahoy there me matey, join me for a few mugs of ale and a couple shot o’ rum. Aye, tho’ we be at port, I be in high spirits. That be due to this new app I just got for me iPhone. Aye, a pirate with an iPhone – what would good ol’ Jack Sparrow […]
Sonic Jump Review
Well, blow me down! This old buccaneer would never have guessed that, Sonic, the hedgehog be makin’ a comeback. Aye, believe it or not, this pirate has had a lot o’ fun times with the blue, lighnin’ quick hedgehog back in the day. This pirate remembers his old Sega, where he first fell in love […]
Monster Quest Review
Well ahoy there ye lubber! I be lookin’ into a new app right now, somethin’ you just might be interested in. Aye, whenever I be on land sipping on this here grog that the fat barkeep over yonder slid to me, I like to be rubbin’ me nose into the latest that Apple or that […]