There is nuthin’ better than the smell of the salty water on the open seas! With that, the fishes that are underwater are also a sight to behold and I often wish that I could take some of them home with me, especially if they come with a lovely lassie of a mermaid or two. […]
Latest Reviews
Wurdle Review
Hello there, lads and lassies! The App Pirate is back to give you the latest on fun apps and mobile games! Today, let’s take a quick gander at a game that is one of the simplest titles I have ever come across with and yet I find myself terribly addicted to it.
iSpades Review
Ahoy there! During those long days in me ship sailing with me bilge rat of a crew, things can get rather dry. Although I like to gamble with me mates on certain occasions, I would much rather prefer the Spades game. Fortunately, I have come across iSpadez that is available for both Android as well […]
FirstWords Review
Ahoy there! When I am not around and about finding treasure chests all across the globe, I like to spend time expanding me vocabulary. Aye, an App Pirate such as I never had the time to be learned so now that I have a lot of loot, I can catch up on my education!
Crazy Hedgy Review
We pirates like to pick a fight. Whenever we go have our swashbucklin’ adventures, you can be assured that there will be some cutlass clanging and head smashing fun one way or another. In my downtime, I also like to play games that involve fighting.
Pimp Your Screen Review
Ahoy there, mateys! It is I, your ever-so-dependable App Pirate, back once again to give you the latest on all things apps. Today I will be talking about an app that has made me look cooler and more awesome than I already am.
Waze Review
Me entire crew look to me where to find loot, ships to sack, and taverns to stop at whenever we sail off on the high seas. Truth be told, I sometimes have no idea where the heck we are headed! I just put on me brave face and yell as loudly as I can.