Thar she blows! Got me sights on another beauty, a white humpback, they be rare these days. So, what was I ramblin’ about before that leviathan spouted up? Oh yeah, about Rovio, the developers of Angry Birds. Aye, they be up and about again with Bad Piggies. This old pirate be thinkin’ this another sure hit. Here is me review.
Bad Piggies, you guessed it right, is a creation of Rovio, the group that brought to you those loveable but insane birds. Like almost everyone in the world, you have probably been caught by their spell at one time or another. Well, this time, it will be a bunch of naughty little piggies that will tickle your fancy in this vengeful app.
The Pigs are the Protagonists
Bad Piggies is all about the pigs you used to topple down and demolish in Angry Birds. In the game, your mission is to help the pigs steal the bird eggs. Hence, the game is somewhat of a sequel of Angry Birds. So, if you were always sympathetic to the plight of the sickly-looking pigs in Angry Birds, Bad Piggies is the chance you have been waiting for to exact some kind of revenge.
Not Just a Slingin’ Puzzler
Bad Piggies is much more than what you are thinking. It basically combines the puzzle-solving effect of Angry Birds with a vehicle construction elements that is somewhat likened to games such as Banjo-Kazooie or Fantastic Contraption.
On each level, you will aid the pigs in constructing a vehicle from the pre-fabricated and assigned parts available in that level. Simply drag and drop each part to where they fit in until you complete the vehicle. Once the vehicle is up and running, it will run with the pigs on board on auto-pilot to reach the end-level destination.
Multiple Solutions
I particularly liked my first run through of Bad Piggies mainly because each level can be solved and completed in many different ways. You are actually free to construct the vehicle you think will do the job. You can pretty much design the vehicle as you see fit. There is no specific solution per level. Cool, right?
Fast Learning Curve
You don’t need to be some kind of mechanical engineer to do well on this game. The game actually starts slow allowing newbies to get a feel for it. For instance, the first level only requires you to build some kind of simple car made up of 4 wheels and a box for the pigs to ride on – nothing too complicated. As you progress, the requirements of each puzzle become more complex. But the design is so awesome so that even a noob can become a certified Bad Piggies vehicle-building master.
The Bottom Line
Bad Piggies is a definite must-try game if you loved Angry Birds and want some unique puzzler in your mobile app collection. The app is free and will only require money from you should you want to take the shortcut and buy mechanics for hard to design and build vehicles in certain levels.