Ahoy there, me fellow pirates! Let us proceed towards the yardarm that I may be able to tell you about one of the most fascinating games as of recent. Ye be familiar with the concept of tower defence games, aren’t ye? If so, ye be delighted to find out that Bloons TD is now available for download.
Bloons TD, which stands for Tower Defence, is a recently-released app for iOS as well as Android devices. Having a simple goal, the game gets to be harder as ye progress onto the further levels. Believe me when I tell ye, playing it will be like hunting for your very own black spot in the ocean.
The Features of Bloons TD
As mentioned, Bloons TD is a tower defence type of game. However, there be much difference with it than ye run o’ the mill TD title. While others use foot soldiers and flying machines, this game uses ever-so-harmless balloons. The objective of the game is to pop all the bubbles that appear on the path. To do this, ye need to arm yourself with weapons that have to be strategically placed on the screen thus popping the balloons as they pass by.
However, don’t think that this will be the easiest game that you will ever play. Although it be starting off easy, Bloons TD will quickly turn into an imminent descent towards Davey Jones’ locker me friend. There are no parleys in this game as the balloons do not stop for nothing. It is up to you to ensure that every bubble gets popped before one of them gets to your base.
There are a few types of balloons that you will need to pop. For instance, ye be able to come across red balloons which be the easiest to pop. On the other hand, there are also be harder ones such as blue balloons that need to be struck twice before popping. You will be able to use an array of weapons, such as stingers on the side of the road to temporary road spikes which deter any loose balloon that may have gotten out of your grasp. So you see, while this game be fun it also is one that requires strategy and for you to use your pirate smarts.
Aye, this game be very playable in terms of every gamer being able to enjoy it. Whether you are a young privateer or an old salt, ye be taking this app with you wherever you go. In fact, in my gaming, I have even on occasion taken my device when I relieve myself in the ship’s head.
What makes this game quite playable is from the amount of weapons you can use as the levels get harder. Ye be able to upgrade such weapons to become more efficient killing machines, subsequently getting better as the levels get much harder to complete. There are also three levels in each stage, in which there are also three. Ye be able to choose from Classic, Beach as well as Racing. To top it all off, leader board achievements are also possible so ye be able to brag to your mateys about the recent high score you just got.
Download Worthiness
At first glance, ye might think that this app bears too great a cost. Well, at $2.99 I believe that it be a fair price. Though Bloons TD was released many moons ago, it still is a fairly popular game with intense replay value. I know for a fact that I had never gone tired from it and still play the game to this very day. Tons of adventures and bubble-popping action await ye with Bloons TD. Enjoy!

1 Comment
BD is a Tower Defense Great series… Also check Jelly Defense if you have some spare time to kill