Expand your vocabulary, me pops always used to say. Before becoming the pirate that I am now, I had the original intent of being a teacher. Aye, can you imagine that? As luck would have it, me and me mates discovered the life of looting and keelhauling. However, learning new things was never too far away from me thoughts. Fortunately, there is an app I can play with that helps me expand my vocabulary and have fun while I be at it.
Bookworm be a puzzle app that can really make ye go “Shiver me timbers!” from all the fun you can have. I know, it seems like an ordinary word search game, but once you start playing with it you can kiss goodbye to weighing the anchor and hoisting the mizzen. In short, ye social life be gone in an instant.
What is it About?
I have been called a scurvy dog many times before and it always ended with the dog walking off the plank. It seems that I have not been paying attention to these sons of biscuit eaters since I started playing Bookworm. The game be very simple, me hearty. Ye be needing to find words on the screen by matching the letters in a line. The letters are scrambled and ye have to use your eyes and wits to find all the words that you can.
By doing so, ye be able to gain points which is the goal of the game. The higher it is, the better you are playing the Bookworm. Form the words by connecting letters that are next to each other, regardless of direction. You get higher points for creating words with plenty of letters. Alas, don’t think for one second that there is nothing else to the game but that. Fire tiles be burning down when ye take a long time to find words. Once one fire tile reaches the bottom, you are shark bait and will have to restart the game all over again.
There be two game modes in Bookworm. Ye can choose Classic for casual gaming or Timed, where things seem a tad too rushed especially for me wit level. For learning what ye have found in the game, you can always refer to the books in the main menu.
Any Fun?
If this be a game that wasn’t fun at all, would you play it? Of course not! If it be shrouded in a cloud let me repeat me self once again. Bookworm is a fun app not only for learning but also for entertainment. So what makes the game fun? Trying to find all the words and avoiding being beaten by the fire tile, of course.
Another fun factor in this game is that ye have the chance to find new words by shaking your device like a scallywag on the hempen halter. Most games do not give ye the chance to do so, but in Bookworm your potential loot is higher. What makes the game so enjoyable too is because of all the animations and action you can get from it. Bookworm was not designed to be your run o’ the mill word-finding game. This was created to thrill ye imagination, wit and senses.
Should You Buy It?
Let me ask you a couple of questions, lad. Do you like word puzzle games? Is price not a factor? If ye answered yea to both, then you will find much happiness and solace in Bookworm. Alas, your nights of rum drinking and debauchery will come to a standstill once you start playing this game and you can take me word on it.