Avastthar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. In a pirate’s life, travel be the most attractive feature o’ the high seas. Learning about the many cultures be a fun activity, and it be a helpful thing when we plunder and loot without knowing the real value o’ the things we find.
O’ course, at times me and me crew, prefer the high life to that o’ the criminal one and we become tourists more often than ye think. Which be why we look for good many different travel guides and hot spots when we arrive at new locations. It was to my surprise that one o’ me crew had shown me a pretty little app called Brad in Paris when we last set foot in the city o’ lights.
What does the App do?
Traditionally, people have always opted to use Google Maps when they start off on a journey through Europe, so one might think that there are very little apps in the market that do the same. The app isn’t anything like a map; instead, it’s more like a tourist travel book with a few mini-games mixed in to make the title even more fun.
Usually, these come in the form of trivia or questions which open up the city even more. This app is more like the lonely planet meets trivia on your Smartphone devices. Aye, it is a miraculous gem indeed
The Look of the App
Since this app serves only one purpose, you can’t expect it to be the prettiest thing in the app store. However, the sleek presentation and easy navigation through the program make it easy for any tourist to pick it up and use it. Brad, the man in the title, will serve as your tourist guide while you walk around France and often come up with a cute little animation when you hit a point of interest.
The Mechanics
Brad in Paris, or whichever iteration you choose to buy, is chock full of little mini-games which reward you every time you finish a challenge. At the same time, it can’t really be considered a game as it does have a real world function. In full form, the app serves as a very fun and distracting travel guide for real cities. The challenges within the game are more inclined to teach you about the city, and at the same time, the unique geo-tagging features allows you to seek out lesser known attractions, as well as the huge tourists traps people go to each year.
As an add-on to the feature, the geo-tagging also reveals the history of the locations you pass through. That makes the title infinitely more fun when you walk around Paris. The title also features a full arsenal of fun things to do like augmented reality, an agenda list, circuits you can follow along with, and even a kids feature for those that want to enjoy the city with their family.
The Verdict
Brad in Paris is a good app for the traveler who wants to explore a city without having to spend too much money on a tour. The fun little factoids and the short history lessons are also great features which can enhance your trip. This app is a must for those that like to travel, but if you’re destination isn’t in Paris, you can check out the other cities Brad has traveled. Because this App serves only one purpose, and serves it well, this dusty old Pirate gives it… An almost perfect score, Ha!

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