Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches, booty, the occasional kraken and all that? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, let me tell ye about this new app me first mate and I be tinkerin’ about these days, and maybe ye can help us solve some of its puzzles. The app is called Brain Puzzle.
It is another golden ticket for Zariba LTD., the group behind the ever popular and somewhat frustrating (in a good way, of course) Brain Puzzle. Brain Puzzle, as it is named for, is an iPhone app that immerses users into a jungle of very challenging puzzles.
According to the many users it has attracted so far, especially when it launched its Christmas update last December 2013, which featured new holiday-aligned content, the app is really good and worthy of praises. And as an avid app reviewer and lover of puzzles, I have to agree with them. Here is my take on Brain Puzzle.
It’s Puzzling
Brain Puzzle is a simple app that focuses on delivering highly challenging puzzles. According to the developers, users with high levels of dexterity, wit, and logical thinking are the ones who will be more successful in overcoming these mind challenges. The puzzles are unique and pretty much original, so don’t expect too much puzzle rehashes from other similar apps. Some puzzles will require you to find hidden stuff, solve riddles by determining patterns, connect the dots, and even match images.
At the start, you will have 4 puzzles to tinker with. On my first run, I was able to solve them fairly quickly, though I would assume that some people may already find these first obstacles somewhat challenging. As you move on through the game, assuming that you unlock more, you will find the puzzles becoming more and more challenging. Those that love challenges will definitely find this extremely appealing.
Free, Free, Free!
Any app that is free is always a boon. Brain Puzzles is totally free and includes full support for iPhone 5 and the new iPads. In addition to it being free, you are given 100 Zold as a bonus for downloading and installing the app. Zold is what they call the in-game currency and is used to unlock more challenging puzzles. On my install, I used up the free bonus to unlock more puzzles.
The app allows you to unlock more puzzles by buying more Zold in the game using real-life currency, but it does encourage you to unlock the puzzles naturally – by completing each unlocked puzzle with a rating of 3 stars. Yes, your solving of each puzzle will be rated based on the time you needed or the number of moves you had to make to solve it. Every 3 star rating you get allows you to unlock a previously locked puzzle without having to spend your hard-earned money.
For a puzzler app, Brain Puzzle has all the features that every puzzle aficionado will want. It has challenging and unique puzzles, a chance to take the shortcut in unlocking more puzzles, and add to that its graphics and visuals, which I find satisfactorily apt. If you like solving puzzles, then Brain Puzzle is the app to get.