Sink me! Look’it all the booty I have in me ship! Arr, ‘allo there matey. I hope ye don’t mind me hands be countin’ all this gold we recently be “acquiring” from buccaneers as we sent them down to Davey Jones’ locker. Aye, it may take them all day to count all this gold, but be having with me an app called Calzy that’ll make counting gold or fingers much, much easier! Lend me an ear and I be tellin’ you all about it…
A New Era of Calculators
It is without a shadow of a doubt that there have been many calculator apps before and they all are similar in nature, with just a few differences with skins and design. However, what they are capable of remains the same. With this new app for the iOS called Calzy, computations have never been made much easier, innovative and creative.
Calzy ushers in a revolutionary new way on how you will be able to compute for figures, as well as giving you multiple options along the way by making certain gestures. How does it do it exactly? Well, read on ya scallywag!
Features of the App
First thing you will notice about the app once you launch it is how beautifully it was designed. It has a sleek, elegant look reminiscent of an expensive calculator you may have seen somewhere. Getting down to the tax brass, there is so much more than calculating that this app can offer you. First of all, Calzy can give you your calculation history. This means if you did something yesterday and want to be reminded of it, the app can show you the calculations you have made recently. You can also edit expressions in your computations, such as removing one or reordering their arrangements. This is extremely helpful during instances you are making long calculations and fear an error has been made along the way.
Rather than redo the entire thing, Calzy will allow you to edit them instead. This app also has parenthesis support, something that has been lacking in a majority of calculator apps that have come out in recent history. Finally, the app can also spell out the figure you have reached. You can choose to play it back in English or another language of your choosing. This is very helpful for individuals whose first language isn’t English. Calzy can make it easier for those who would understand the figure better in their native language.
Calzy is definitely a must-have for every type of individual. Whether you’re a student or a professional, this is an app you definitely cannot do without! Priced at $.99 in the App Store, it is worth that small amount of money you will be investing to get all the neat features this app has to offer. Calculating will be faster, easier, with an option to take out certain errors you have made without having to redo the entire computation! That alone should make the app worth it to download and yet there is so much more to it than meets the eye.