Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full o’ rum! Ahoy there, lads! Can ye see with your God-given deadlights everything that be on the horizon? Course not! If there be some buccaneers on me behind, I not be able to see it unless me uses some spectacles o’ some sort. Yet, there be an app that allows me to have an all-seeing eye… perfect for finding enemies to keelhaul! I can just be at the fore of me ship and let CamCloud do all the work for me! Har har har!
What CamCloud is All About
CamCloud is an application which basically allows you to setup your home or office security system and monitor it even if you are mobile. You will not need any fancy hardware or software installation. You can use your webcam, axis cameras and any other types you can hook up to get started.
Just by registering on the site you can start using its features and have the security system you’ve always dreamed about! Avast Ye, let’s learn more about this miraculous App together Lads and Lassies, Aye?
How to Get Started
What’s amazing about CamCloud is how relatively easy it is to get started. So to begin with, you need to download the app. Then, you will just have to setup your cameras in the desired location you want them on then register them on the CamCloud site. Afterwards, you can just go back to the app and start using the service already. It’s that simple! Once everything is registered, you can monitor activities from a distance and not have to worry about anything anymore.
CamCloud makes it easy for you to setup your surveillance system. Even if you’re not on the tech kind of person, you will experience how convenient it will be to set this system up. As for the features, there are literally many things you can do with CamCloud. Take for instance you can setup your webcam at home to have a motion detector. No other hardware or programs are needed to get it.
As long as you have this app, you’re good to go. You will also have the ability to review the surveillance that has been done by recording it with the app. As of late, one of my rotten old crew members has been pillaging me treasure chests. I would him him walk the plank when i found out who, Arrr. CamCloud is indeed a gem.
Why You Need to Have It
Well, the more obvious reason is the safety of the environment you call home. Besides that reason, you will also be able to monitor what’s happening inside your home even if you are far away. It will be extremely convenient for you to be able to have such an app. CamCloud allows you to remotely get into all the cameras that you have available inside your home at the touch of your fingertips.
All the security, safety and the ability to monitor your home or business is now a touch of the fingertip away when you have CamCloud. Security these days should not be taken for granted and any measure you can take to guarantee that should be considered. With CamCloud, you can setup your security system when you want it and how you want it. Best of all, you may download the app without any cost at all! The charges for their services are very reasonable and without hidden costs.

1 Comment
Great solution for home & office security… great find!!