Shiver me timbers, ladies! Me hearties and I be out in the open seas for sev’ral weeks now n’ all we got to eating has been candy and rum! I ain’t complainin’, though! Anyways, it is I, your swashbucklin’ App Pirate here with another app review for ye! If ye be likin’ candy, yer surely gon’ love this game! Catch the Candy be a new app for ye Android device and it be a fun game that will surely have ye feel like ye be walking the plank from excitement!
Catching the Candy
Catch the Candy is a new game from Herocraft and it promises to be one of the most fun and exciting physics-based games you will ever play. You take on the character of a purple furball who wants to catch the candy in every level. The problem is, there are certain obstacles you need to move or get over in order to reach the candy.
That is the challenge of the entire game and what makes it overly fun to play. You will be faced with more than 50 levels of different scenarios, in which you will need to strategize and plan your every move so that you will be able to get the candy.
A Physics-based Game
When you say “physics-based”, it means that your movements are not limited to a very specific set of actions. At the same time, gravity and force play huge roles in the game as well. That is what Catch the Candy can offer you as a game. While the goal is literally to catch the candy, the ways in which you will able to do it is bound only by your will. On the other hand, once you complete the game, you might be led to believe there is nothing more left for you. In fact, you won’t gt bored with playing Catch the Candy because of the new ways in which you can complete the same challenges.
There are only a couple of things that you need to know in order to play this game. First, you eject a sticky substance that grabs onto things and catapults you towards that direction. Second, basically anything and everything is possible in the game.
You can messa round with every level if you want to, moving around stuff and doing lots of things that can help you get to the candy or vice versa. It’s not that difficult to get used to it since the controls are very easy to manipulate. The best part is, since it is physics-based, there are many ways in which you can complete a level.
Catch the Candy is a new addition to the line of physics-based fun games with a new twist added to it. It is a paid-for app but it is definitely well worth the investment, especially with over 50 levels you can play in. The game is fun, exciting, challenging and contains all the characteristics you need to enjoy playing. Definitely worth buying in the Android Market.