Voodoo be a dangerous proposition for anyone who would deal with the dark arts. Zombie Pirates be one of the most horrifying creatures in the world, as they have all our equipment, tacked on with immortality. To paint an accurate portrait of what ye would face when these brigands arise, just look to the Pirates o’ the Carribean movie. This be why me and me crew go to extreme lengths to avoid those cursed waters around Florida, even though we lose out on the booty there. However, games be the exception, and in Combat Arms: Zombies, I get to tear apart zombies with me trust M203 shotgun.
Zombies are iconic, but with constant release of new zombie based films, games, and even literature, it gets a little hard to represent the monster horde. In games though, they can represent two classes of enemies. Either they are filler for an even harder enemy, or they play the centerpiece of the game. In this title, you’re tasked with eliminating zombies in an arena style shooter. So, how does the game stack up with the rest of the walker herd?
The Graphics
Once again, there are a lot of games on the mobile platform that boast the 3D aesthetic that most consoles would. While there are a lot of them that do an admirable job, you shouldn’t expect them to be of the highest tier in terms of look. The Unreal Engine is an iconic 3D rendering machine, and a lot of games are still using this program. Luckily, Combat Arms does the most it can with the aging engine and does it well.
The zombies look well animated, and while they are presented in mass, they still remain very detailed. As they rush the Player Character, the frantic struggle to get away is pretty well made as it feels like a great old zombie movie. The whole game is framed with detailed environments, often switching from dark rooms to open spaces that feel like they belong to a Gothic Church.
The Gameplay
There’s a lot of games that does gunplay and zombies well. A notable and revered game under the genre is Left 4 Dead, and that remains the benchmark in gaming. The arsenal offered up to you in the game is a cross between the survivors standard load-out and higher grade military gear. This isn’t a bad thing though, because the variety makes it more fun to cut down the hordes.
Every weapon you purchase has an array of upgrades you can use, but can only be purchased through the cash you gain through killing zombies. From there, you should get an idea on how the gameplay generally functions in this title. As with most other mobile games, there’s an available iAS where you can buy those upgrades. What it lacks though, is a variety of levels because there are only two, very large arenas and whether you play on campaign or arena, they don’t change up much.
The Verdict
The real problem with this game is that while it does shooting well, the limited amount of zombies and levels make it feel like a grind. Other than that, the graphics and gameplay are quite brilliant. This title will surely keep you gunning for more, if you know what i mean. Fire away, I says!