Archaic things be the reason why me and me crew can eat so well when we want to. This be because old things are expensive, and ta the right buyer, they be worth massive fortunes. O’ course, we still enjoy the odd doubloon that we find on broken ships, but old things be a great treasure as well. This even carries over to the game we play, and how they be constantly changing. Ya see, the old games have a charm that can’t be matched by the new, and there be many reasons why that is. Take for example the oldie Contra and how it still be regarded like the Black Beard o’ side scrollin’ shooters. So, when the remake came out, I rushed ta make the Contra Evolution review.
The Gameplay
First off, if you haven’t heard of Contra, there is very little chance you can get away with it in many gamer circles. This title is legendary and the Konami code that spawned from this game is referred to by so many different parts of pop culture that most geeks can recite it by heart. If you think this is just an individual quirk, you are sorely mistaken. Before we get too off track, while the code has lasted generations, it still begs question about whether or not the game holds up after 20 years.
Generally, the game follows the original formula very closely in that it is still a side scrolling shooter. You control one of 4 characters with two being unlocked after meeting a few requirements. The first two character are the two men from the original so if you’re fond of the 80’s style look then you’re sure to get a kick out of these two. The play relatively the same as the first game; you have a multitude of weapons you can unlock and each have their unique feel.
The real difference in the game is that it doesn’t let you pick up those weapons, and instead rewards them to you via each end of the level. The real sad part of this game is that they’ve shoehorned a whole iAP system through experience and leveling up. This kind of breaks the experience for those that played the original. However, the game remains fast and furious with enough challenge to keep anyone busy for hours on end.
The Look
You can’t expect a remake to be a remake without a standard facelift, but in Contra, not much has changed. The visuals are sharper (for a 16bit era game) and the levels are smoother and easier eyes. This doesn’t detract from the retro vibe of the game, so you end up with a game that takes you to the time before HD. At the same time, a lot of the old bosses look just like they did during the early days of this game, so you know you’re in for a treat.
The whole point behind this title is the game play, as the game is packed with non stop action. You know what Lads? When i ponder bout’ it, it kinda strikes me how much is resembles the life of a legendary Pirate such as I! Ahh.. Sailing about in the seven seas sure does spices up your daily activities if you get my point. Savvy?
The Verdict
Contra is a legendary game and those that remember the title might be disappointed with this remake. It’s a lot easier in terms of challenge, and the controls are no longer as tight as they used to be. One can’t help but wonder if they toned it down for mainstream audiences. However for those that haven’t been introduced to the epic title, this is surely the best place to start. For a great jump into the nostalgic, you can do a lot worse because this game is still the charming shooter it once was, albeit with a new coat of paint and a few feature you probably weren’t counting on.