Ahoy, me maties! Stuck me head in the grog and woke up in me quarters. Was tickled pink at this new app, copyop and made new friends right off the pier. Trading’s not like it used to in the old days, har. Aye, it has gotten much easier. No need to parley with brokers and such, just the app copying some other successful blokes moves and off you are into the wind, with big returns against your options. Aye, this is much easier than risking your neck after loot in the high seas! There’s more to the app, maties, that you would want to know about.
It’s Social
Like almost everything this is a social app. copyop makes trading social. You can call on your friends, other traders, or anyone else who is interested in real-time day trading to join copyop. The more the merrier, really. Besides, the great part about this app being social is that it allows you to copy the moves of other traders. The main problem encountered by a lot of people when it comes to trading is the technical aspect. Using the social aspects of the app, beginners can seek advice and technical information in layman’s terms from experts as well as from friends. The user can start from zero knowledge and copy trading patterns or actual trading moves. As he progresses and understands the technical information, he can create moves of his own. Or he can follow his gut and deviate from what others are doing.
Based on anyoption
The rudimentary details of binary trading may have been glossed over. This as well as the advanced mathematics and statistical analysis are not included in the package. What is important is that the platform, copyop, lets you make trades by putting options and set expiration on these options. If your option works out and comes true, you earn from your trade. It uses the trading technology from anyoption, which is the largest real-time, online binary option trading website. This means that the integrity of the trades is based on what goes on in anyoption.
Binary Trading is Day Trading Made Easy
The real fun of copyop is the way that it makes trades a communal activity. Day trading is fraught with risks, and this is real money. However, with expert and successful traders onboard, the social aspect of the app kicks in, and helps to disentangle the trade from the underlying tough math. The truth is that most day traders rarely look at graphs, and they rarely do the math involved behind the scenes of binary option trading. The risks remain, but due to the nature of binary trading, there is a higher expected return, compared to the initial investment. As a social app, copyop allows you to watch on the sidelines, and see others trade, and their trading patterns. Even if you forget the patterns, the trades are transparent, from the initial investment to the outcome, and returns. You can copy any trade at any time, and you can opt out of the trade at any time as well, when you feel that it is in your best interest to do so.
Safe and Secure
As an app, the main fear is the loss of the mobile device. In this case, that should not be a problem, copyop lets you logout when it is not in use. This should be standard practice when you are not trading. The communications use top-level 128-bit encryption and ensure security of your trades and your investment. Aye, plundering loot isn’t an easy task nowadays.
In addition, the staff does constant monitoring of users to ensure that you are who you say you are. The technical people over there don’t want anyone else to use your profile, except yourself.
This promises to be a fun social app, where you meet professionals, amateurs, and success stories abound. It is one way to invest in a social manner, without the hassles of technical trading. This app is highly recommended for amateurs, professionals and even for technical traders. It puts fun back into the fundamentals.

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