We pirates like to pick a fight. Whenever we go have our swashbucklin’ adventures, you can be assured that there will be some cutlass clanging and head smashing fun one way or another. In my downtime, I also like to play games that involve fighting. If I am not able to, the closest thing would do. Crazy Hedgy is a game that I find to literally be quite on the “crazy” side, which is perfect because I am just the same way! Hardy-har-har!
Crazy Hedgy is a game that puts you in the place of a rolling and punching hedgehog that needs to save his home from invading mushrooms. If the premise sounds like it is a theme for one of your strange nightmares, it most definitely is. However, this is a fun game that you definitely should get your hands on. Of course, in my case, it’s just a hand and a claw.
What Makes the Game Really Cool
Most of the time, when you play games for handheld devices, controlling your character is often hard since you will only be using a virtual joystick. However, with Crazy Hedgy that is not the case. This game uses a tilting motion to make the hedgehog roll around. For someone like me who has a meat hook for a hand, this is extremely “handy”. Get it?
So as mentioned, this game’s premise is that our main protagonist takes it upon himself to rid his homeland of these pesky mushroom-like invaders. Eerily, these invaders look a lot like those mushrooms from the earlier Mario games. Nonetheless, they are pesky and they need to be dealt with. You will go around from area to area, knocking the mushroom invaders to the ground and punching them when you come into contact.
This game is quite fun to play. Since it takes place in a three-dimensional world, the game play is much more visually engaging. If you are familiar with recently-released Sonic the Hedgehog games, the style is similar to that of Crazy Hedgy. Of course, this game is unique and original by its own right.
The Game Play
Since you will be using your device’s gyroscopic sensors to control the motion of the hedgehog, you will be spending a lot of time looking like a nut while playing this game. You will find yourself moving every which way about, since the rolling motion of our character depends on the movement of your hands. Nevertheless, it is very fun to play.
The objective of this game is to take out all the mushroom invaders by bumping into them when you roll or get into a melee fight by using your punches. However, that is not all there is to the game. There are many traps as well as pitfalls, which you need to avoid in this game and you can say that a lot of times, traversing your way around dangerous paths is what you will be doing.
Your environment will also be working for you if you play your cards right. In fact, you can even make the invaders fight against one another if you get close enough to two. Or, you can use the spiky logs to deal a lot of damage to them by ramming one against a spinning log. There are many ways to eliminate enemies, and it is up to you to decide how you will be able to do so.
The Final Word
Crazy Hedgy has beautiful visual effects, no doubt about it. A pirate such as I rarely comes across a beauty such as this game and when I do, it never passes by without me getting my grubby claw on it. Although the controls can take some getting used to especially if you have been using a joystick a lot, it doesn’t take much before you can get the hang of it. The game is very entertaining and will have you squirming about to make sure that the hedgehog does not fall over a cliff or get into any near danger.