Shiver me timbers! What is this I be seeing on me crow’s nest?! A battalion of ships set to take me to the bottom of the briny deep! Aye, they be in for a surprise as I send them to Davy Jones’ locker instead! Hardy-har-har, these insolent dogs better be ready to have a taste of me cutlass! Avast mateys! But first allow me, your cap’n, to tell you about this Crushin’ Robots game. It’s me cup o’ tea because it be involving crushing evil machines with everything I got in me bag!
Crushing Robots
Your character is a construction worker who is on his break seated on top of a building. Suddenly, he sees robots coming in from the horizon. Actually, the robots are coming in from the open water, which is kind of ironic since machines tend to short circuit when they are wet.
Well, it’s a game so rules don’t apply. Anyway, the guy sees this happening and takes it upon himself to protect the city. He uses his arsenal of tools which range from nails to wrenches plus many more bonus weapons to defeat the bots with.
Game Play
The game play is quite simple. Stop the robots before they get to you, using weapons you have in store. It takes a few “bullets” to stop a robot and they keep on coming until a level is finished. Then, as you progress, the game becomes harder and harder. More robots come and they are faster as well as stronger. Crushin’ Robots then becomes a test of how fast your coordination skills are and how you will strategize eliminating the enemies with maximum efficiency.
Controls and Graphics
The game has cartoonish graphics, although simple, that is quite entertaining. You are provided with a top-down view of what the main character sees which is the street and the open body of water. As for the controls, it’s just a simple tap and slide of the finger to do what you need to do.
Tap the scrap to choose your weapon, and slide the crosshair to target your enemies and fire. It’s not that hard to get used to and everything you need to do is pretty much laid out already.
Almost Perfect
Well, you get to download the game for free. However, in order to unlock certain features and add-ons, you will need to make in-app purchases within the game. For instance, if you want more scrap (weapons) and tons and tons of them, you can get a set for $5.99 in the app itself. Once you do, you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself, even though it is a very steep price to pay for an add-on in the game. Me Maties and i all purchased because, well, us Pirates like a good brawl every now and then. If you hope to get to enjoy this game to the fullest, you would really need to make some purchases, or perhaps go with the accumulate scrap option which will get you far in the game without a single shilling spent!g
Crushin’ Robots is a great time-waster and loads of fun. The longer you play the game, the harder it gets. Playing it will be a test of your hand-eye coordination to ensure the robots don’t get to you. Besides, the game is really fun. Super fun. Did we mention it’s fun? Garrr!