Avast ye landlubber, me and my fellow buccaneers be approaching land. Aye, we also take time to rest from our booty hunting and sailing on the seven seas. And when me reach land, one of the things yer friendly pirate enjoy is deer hunting. But when we are on the sea, I play an app on my device called Deer Hunter 2014. Aye me lads, let me tell ye more about it with this Deer Hunter 2014 review.
It’s Deer Hunting on Mobile
Deer Hunter 2014 as the name suggests is a deer hunting game that is compatible with iOS and Android devices. Whether you are into this type of outdoor activity or you have never experienced trying so, this is the next best thing to real life deer hunting. You also don’t have to worry about real animals being hurt or killed, as well as purchasing hunting items.
There are various weapons that you can use on the game that you can buy with its currency. Some can only be purchased with gold, which is the premium currency. You are rewarded with gold when you level up and you also have the option to purchase them with real money if you feel that it takes time to earn them. Weapons can be upgraded and upgrades would also cost game currency. You can choose your weapon after completing each level, in which you will earn money and XP points if you were successful with the given objective. This will also help you level up.
Game Play
There are various modes in the game. Hunting Series is the standard mode in which you are given an objective to achieve on each level. With Contract Hunt you need to kill specific number of targets within a given period. There’s also the Trophy Hunt where you can hunt rare animals, though you need to meet specific requirements given. It also has a Club Hunt mode where you can play with other users to reach specific objectives but this is exclusive for those who have permits, which can only be bought with real money. Each time you play a level, an energy level will be removed and if it becomes empty, you need to wait for it to replenish to continue playing.
What Else
The developers did an excellent job when it comes to the graphics. The snow covered mountains, stream, grasses, flowers and animals were executed well. They are all pleasing to the eyes. The environment would make you feel that you are really outdoors.
The sound is equally fantastic. It doesn’t have background music, which is just right as you would not need this if deer hunting as this will make animals go away. But the sound of the running stream, chirping birds and gun fire are realistic. You will even hear the sound of the grass being stepped at when you move as if you’re walking.
The Verdict
Deer Hunter is highly recommended. This is an app the deer hunters and non-deer hunters would love. The best thing is that no animals would be hurt when playing this game. Can hardly say that on myself though. I am quite the merciless guy when it comes to catching whales to feed me nasty crew. Oh well.