Ahoy there, mateys! Allow me to feed ye some grub, seein’ as ye be tired from yer long journey. In me ship I like to make me own meals, seeing as me mates can’t be trusted with their grubby hands! In me spare time away from ransacking privateers, I also cook for me boys. Aye, but none can compare to Flo and her Diner Dash! Now lad, she be back in Diner Dash Rush and things have ne’er been more addled than this.
Diner Dash Rush
Flo is back once again to serve her customers in this newest version of the Diner Dash series. This time, everything is much more fast-paced and urgent. The time limit you get will truly test your skills on how you seat and serve the diner’s hordes of customers.
Once again you will arrange them by the number of guests, ensuring that you get bonuses by seating them according to color and making sure they are happy diners! You will get the same thrill you once did with the original game only this time, there are tons more features added to this latest version.
You have a ton of customers to serve, and you’re only given minutes to feed them all. It is really a rush in the most literal sense. Other than serving them lunch, there is also the Happy Hour mode, which is for the diner’s VIP customers. When this happens, disco lights will appear and you will be able to get tons of bonuses. Then you also get to compete with your friends and see who among you will be the best in the food service industry.
What’s more is that you can connect this game with Facebook and challenge your friends who are also playing Diner Dash Rush! You also get to have boosts that allow you to freeze time, become more appealing to your customers and even run faster! This helps in making sure that Flo keeps all her diners happy campers.
Gameplay and Improvements
One of the much-needed improvements that Diner Dash Rush has gotten is a complete facelift when it comes to the visuals. Where before details were not that clear and much more simplistic, the developers went all out for this one. Diner Dash Rush is more animated, crisp and animated this time which of course makes you want to play it even more.
Diner Dash Rush is viewed in high-definition which is optimized for retina display on your device. The great thing about this game is that it will keep you on your toes for the entire time. You will need to be efficient and to have a high hand-eye coordination, which is why me and me sea dogs crew can’t perform very well in this title. Garr, an eye patch does slow you down sometimes! No matter.
Whether you’re a fan of the Diner Dash series or totally new to the franchise, Diner Dash Rush is a very fun game to play. Even with the same type of playing, there are a lot of things that have been improved with this version of Diner Dash. Not only are things much faster, but the graphics are totally awesome and there are a ton of new features that you surely will come to love! Download Diner Dash Rush and experience a whole new world of fun! Ahoy mateys, shore is a head, Hoist the anchor! Time for some dining, Aye?