Ahoy me scallywag friends! I bet ye lads would be surprised when I tell ye that this old pirate is into word games. Aye! It’s not all sailing and booties for me. I also play games that would stimulate me brain like this app called Divine Words. ‘Tis a paid game for iPhone and iPad users. Get to know more about it me hearties with this Divine Words review.
Getting to Know the Game
If you have played the game Scrabble before, you would be familiar with how Divine Words is played. You will also be given 7 tiles that you will use to create various words in the board, each having their own points. You can play with other players or you have the option to play against your mobile device. While you cannot see the tiles of your opponent in Scrabble, in this game, you will also see the other player’s tiles.
There are various levels of difficulty so you can choose the level that you are comfortable with. If there’s a word on the board that you don’t understand, you can press it and the meaning will show on top of the window, which could help enhance your vocabulary. It also supports various languages including English, French, Italian, German and Bulgarian. It doesn’t have advertisements, though it comes with a price. Another twist of this game is the Pandora box. You may open the box and take chances in getting huge bonus points or losing what you have gained. It’s completely up to you if you want to gamble or not.
Digging Deeper
Even with the 3 themes available namely iOS7, wooden and kiddy, its interface may still not be the best one that you would see for the board game genre. The kiddy theme is the most colorful among the 3 but it’s still not quite impressive, compared to the graphics and interface of most games available in the market today. But since this is a word game, it may not really be a deal breaker since what’s most important is that the letters are readable; which they are in this app.
Divine Words would keep your mind working as you find words that you can create. It’s not just any app that you can play to kill time since you would also benefit from it. You will learn more words as it gives the meaning of a word on the board when pressed. It also has a basic interface so even those that have not played Scrabble before would not have difficulties playing this one. It offers different game modes so you can play with another person or with your device, whichever you prefer. The downside is that it comes with a hefty price tag. Well, it’s not as expensive as the others but for this type of game, $5.99 would already be too much; unless you are really into word games.
The Verdict
While the game may enhance your vocabulary, you may think twice getting the app because of its cost. If you are not that into this game genre, it may not be worth it. But if you are then you might enjoy the game even with its price.