Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore that, here’s another review for all ye buckos called Doodle God review.
The Basic Game Play
Doodle God is called a puzzle game but it doesn’t really fall under this genre. In fact, it is a unique app that it is difficult to put it under one game category. The basic game play is simple but fun and addicting. You will play the role of Doodle God who will create different things starting from the basic elements available including earth, wind, water and fire. The main goal is to discover all the items that can be created by combining different elements, which are now over 300 in total.
For instance, adding water and air together will give you stream. Since you already have a stream, you can then combine it with other items and see what it would create, which gives a sense of excitement. In case you run out of idea on which elements to combine, you can use the hint feature to get a tip on what to do next.
Some More Game Play
What make this game even more enjoyable are the fun quotes that appear when a new element is created. The graphics of the game are not as advanced as the new 3D apps today. They are simple yet it somehow works since they are still pleasing to the eyes. The background music is also perfect for the app as it would make you feel like you are really in the time when the world is still being created. If you have watched movies about the creation of the world, the sound is similar to that.
Game Updates
The new updates on the game made it more enjoyable as there are more elements to create, as well as new game options. There are different quests that you can complete, which are perfect if you wish to take a break from the main game. There are also two mini games that you can try aside from these quests.
They are MatchTrix and Bejoined. MatchTrix is similar to Tetris, while Bejoined is similar to Bejeweled. Instead of blocks and jewels, the elements on the game are used instead. This dusty old Pirate loves making up things together and experiment with up-to-no-good elements while traveling the seven seas, Garrr!!
The Verdict
This game may not be that complicated and challenging as the other games available today. However, its simplicity has the charm that would make you want to play it for hours. It may be difficult to put it down since you would feel the need to discover new elements. However, after completing all the available elements, the game does not really have a replay value. But since there are now over 300 elements to create, as well as mini games and quests to play, you will have hours of fun on this app. This unique game is highly recommended to everyone. Since the developers are continuously updating it, more elements and features could be added on the game.