I have been a pirate fer a long time. I have been the one that scrubbed the floors for four years at the Pirate academy. I was the one loading the cannons in my earlier years. And with me hard work I got me a boot of wisdom, a wide expanse of experiences. Enough to make me yer captain of the good ole Jolly Rogers. But in my years of sailin and lootin the seven seas, I may have seen a lot of monsters, but none that drives knights and wizards nuts. I admit this pirate has never seen a dragon. The only dragon I have seen are the ones in the mobile game app DragonVale. Here is my take on them flying lizards and a review on the actual game.
Searing Hot New Game
So blimey! What is this game all about? Well the point of the game is to make the best dragon park ever. And what do I mean by that? You have to put up a park, from the ground up. And from there on, the game picks up. You begin with a place that sells dragon eggs. There you can get your egg and hatch it. The little dragon can be put in one the little habitats. And you raise the fire breathing cutie there. But not everything is free. You have to earn money and pay for some of the things needed. Your primary source of money is the one generated by your dragons. And then you use this money to buy new dragon eggs, shelter, food for the dragons, coliseums, and decorative structures. The basic premise is you rear the dragon to sustain itself. The game idea is not so unique. In fact, it has been done before. But the appeal of raising a dragon is a great hook. Raising dragons is in the same category as being a ninja and owning a zombie. So the borrowed interest from the flying lizards works well. This is an ingenious rehashing of an old concept to create a new game. And that alone is reason enough to pick up the game.
Dragons, Dragons and More Dragons!
The fun in playing little breeding games like the mobile gaming app DragonVale, is in the variety of creatures you can see. In DragonVale, the game makes use of the different elements in nature to come up with different dragon character sets. There is your basic fire dragon but they have also included ice dragons, earth dragons, water dragons, wind dragons and so much more. And the legendary and harder to find breed of dragons are based on nature. For example, there is a moon dragon, a solstice dragon and a sun dragon. These are also examples of the more complex results of advanced dragon breeding. Playing the game makes you want to have all types of dragon soon or even now. And each piece of flying creature is cute in his or her own right. For example, the plant dragons have leaves covering their body all over. It also helps a lot that the sprites move about and in their own manner. This gives the game the aquarium effect. It is fun to just look at it.
DragonVale Art Work
Arrr mateys! There are games that are great to play but not so exciting to look at. These types of games excel in the game play department but fails in the design aspect. As a gamer, it is important that both criteria are met in flying colors. The mobile game app, DragonVale, bot have amazing game play and stunning visuals. The details to the small parts of the habitats like the lava cracks and the tree lines are really eye popping. You will never get bored looking at the game.
Dragons may or may not exist dear land lubber. But DragonVale is one mobile game app that should be found in your mobile device.