Aaarggghhh!!! Me mobile bill is off the charts. Another trinket of gold and a couple of doubloons down the drain just so I can tell me babe that I miss her when I be out to sea. Blackbeard once telled me that I should be installing this crazy IM app called eBuddy. According to the old dog, he saved a ton of gold using it to chat with his buckos and his lovely lass. Hmmm… maybe I should take his advice. It is worth a try, right? So, here goes.
Buddying Up with eBuddy
After my first trial run with eBuddy, I instantly had a soft spot for it. I never figured this IM app to be exponentially connected to the outside world. Apparently, eBuddy was one of the first few IM aggregators on the web. It was also one of the first to transition into mobile apps. And there lies its beauty – millions and millions of users. eBuddy has its own network – so connecting to it means you are literally connecting to everyone. This is backed by the fact that in order to use eBuddy, even for merely hooking up to Yahoo and other IM networks, you will need to sign up for a free account.
The IM Integrator Wizard
eBuddy can be considered a dime a dozen in the multi-messenger connecting business. This is because by logging in, you can actually access your IM accounts with Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, AIM, Gtalk, MySpace, Facebook, and Hyves. The best part about it is everything can be accessed on a single interface. And, identifying where the person you are chatting with is from is relatively easy since each contact will have an icon signifying the network he is from.
Additional Features
eBuddy has a host of other features that can be considered standard in the IM game. It can connect via Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G. It has push notification and auto-connection functions. It allows for background minimization so that you can do other stuff on your device while you are awaiting a chat or idling by online. The interface is clean, simple, and easy manage what with the full on customization options for contact list and eBuddy profile management. The group chatting feature is a breeze here, especially when it is coupled by tab-based window management, a feature you may find forgotten by other apps in its league.
The most inviting feature in its newest version is probably the integration of C2DM Push, Google’s nifty little software that helps in conserving battery life. That particular software works well on the updated version of eBuddy. So, if you used to complain about eBuddy draining your battery, you won’t anymore.
eBuddy is not behind on the whole multimedia game. Through an open chat window, users are allowed to share all kinds of stuff to their contact. Of course, large files will require higher bandwidth so it is recommended to stick with photos and other light files.
eBuddy for the Novice
Newbie mobile users that want to explore the world of mobile instant messaging will do well to begin the exploration with eBuddy. This is because eBuddy has an interface that is quite easy to master. There aren’t too many hiccups and other complexities in setting up an account, modifying a buddy list, and beginning your first chat session. In fact, the first run of me 10 year old boy saw him become a master in just 15 minutes of tinkerin’ with it.
Should eBuddy be your Buddy?
I won’t lie to you. eBuddy isn’t the best IM app out there. And that rings true whether you are using Android or iOS. However, if you are looking for an IM app that is easy on the eyes and on the mind, efficient, and pretty much gets the job done, then eBuddy should be the first on your list. It is still one of the most trusted IM apps around and I can vouch for that claim 100 percent.