Ahoy there me hearties! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make a journey on the seven seas again. But ‘afore I start booty hunting with me fellow buckos again, let me give you this Emergency 24×7 review. ‘Tis an application that I recently used while on land, which I found really helpful.
What Emergency 24×7 is About
Emergency 24×7 is an Android application that was developed by Apollo Hospitals and it comes for free. It has a basic interface but it offers valuable features that can help you during emergency. You will be asked to register for an account upon installation. This is a one-time process and it only takes a minute to finish. After the registration you can start adding your guardians.
It is important to add someone on the list so they can be notified immediately in case you need their help. You can add someone manually or appoint a contact on your phonebook. In case something happens, an SOS message can be sent to them with just a single tap of your phone or you can make a call without having to go through your contacts list. It also gives you a list of medical facilities and their contact information. It shows you a map of the hospitals nearby to help you easily navigate your way.
It’s Helpful
This is a very useful application as you never know when emergency might happen. This app can be a life saver as you can easily find medical facilities nearby where you can go to. If you cannot go there for some reason, you will find their contact information so you can call them and have medical help sent to your location. Furthermore, you can quickly notify your family or friends that you appointed as guardians so they would know that you need their help. You can add a widget, which will be placed on your home screen for easy access.
Ups N Downs
Everything about this application would benefit you. After all, fast medical attention in time of emergency can save a life. It’s free so it doesn’t cost a thing to get this very important app. Letting your guardians or family know that you were involved in an accident or you need immediate medical help can be done with a single tap.
Even if you are not familiar with the medical facilities that you can call or go to, the app will give you a list that you can check when you need to. No matter what the situation is, help is just a few clicks away with this app. The only thing that Emergency 24×7 lacks is the support to other platforms like iOS. This is a highly useful application so it needs to be shared to every mobile user.
The Conclusion
Apollo Hospitals did an excellent job in creating such application. Emergency 24×7 is highly recommended and it is something that you should get on your device. It’s free and it can save your life or someone’s life. Definitely not my first mate though, as i caught him messing ’round with the maid in me chambers. It’s time for someone to walk the plank – muhahaha!