Argh, huge cargo holds be the best ta plunder and that be self explanatory. They risk and reward that ye can get from raiding such a ship is always a thing ta keep in mind, but on the seven seas, everything is free for the takin’. O’ course, huge ships are often owned by huge kingdoms, and that be the reason why they be the hardest to steal from.
The large cannons on either side of a galleon can rip apart a pirate ship in minutes, not ta mention the many navy men that take part in the protection of the ship. This be why me and me first mate take time ta study the kingdoms that own these ships, so that we may raid ’em even more effectively. The only reason we took the time ta make this Empire: Four Kingdoms review.
The Gameplay
There’s a kind of curse to RTS games that don’t get the PC treatment. You see, an RTS is macro and micro managing both at the same time, which means anywhere but the PC can seem restrictive. If you play this game on iPhone or Android you might have some difficulties enjoying and maximizing the potential of this game. There are many ways you can build, attack, and generally control the board. This game is F2P, meaning that there will be an in-game store, but it does an admirable job of keeping you playing totally free.
In that regard, this game has equipped itself with a massive social feature that lets you invite as many friends as you can to your kingdom while they maintain their own fortresses. You’re tasked with collecting resources to make fortifications through two different means. The first is attacking different hold around your and the second is harvesting them throughout the four kingdoms. Controlling your army is relatively simple, and the gameplay for combat is exactly that. Basically, the game runs on the “build the largest army” principle, instead of letting you make a stratagem to deal with different units.
The Looks
One thing that is very admirable about the game is that the developer took the time to make it look like the classic RTS’ on the PC. It is slightly reminiscent of Age of Empires and Heroes of Might and Magic. Each fortress looks well drawn and adding to your fortifications tacks on even bigger and better buildings to look at.
The huge world map is a little basic, but the time they took to define the borders around your kingdom make it feel like a detailed RTS title. Animations in the game are a little basic, but they do the job pretty well. Overall, the looks of this game suits the style, genre and game play perfectly, even for a drunken Pirate such as I, Har-Har!
The Verdict
Empire 4 Kingdom is a solid game. Gamers who love to play unit management games and resources gathering games will be ecstatic about this title. On top of that, since it’s free you might want to take a look just to see if this is your sort of real time strategy game. What’s the wrong thing that could happen?

The Four Kingdom game starts off ok at lower levels, but GoodGamesStudios have set it up so as you get into the higher levels and more to lose, you have to buy mega-loads of rubies to continue playing and the game becomes very addictive, some players having to spend hundreds of dollars to remain competitive. my worst complaint about GoodGamesStudios is that the Empire:Four Kingdoms Game is riddled with bugs that make you lose all of your troops very quickly so you have to buy rubies to get more! When contacting support, and clearly explain the problem, the support people claim ignorance and expect proof (ie. a screenshot of the problem with my phone) that there’s a problem. Many people lose everything because of these bugs, but as long as GoodGames Studios are making money…they do nothing! I know of many players that spend hundreds of dollars building their castles and armies, only to give up, because GoodGames raised the price of resources and made it much harder to get by without Rubies. Overall…while it was fun to start with…GoodGames has ruined it for everyone because of their blatant greed, ignorance of bugs that spoil the game. Unless you want to spend your pay packet…don’t bother!
The look is very charming and attractive and the gameplay is very fun and addtictive, overall it’s an awesome game..
Not Good Games by GoodGames
I can vouch for one of those players who hasn’t spend hundreds. I’ve counted Thousands of dollars in purchases when I checked my email I registered with 6 months ago for the first time. I am so ashamed of the wasted money. Don’t do it. Think of your family.