Sail ho, mateys! On to the open water we go and use yer deadlights! Last thing we be needin’ is a reef against me ship! Ah, while they be on their toes, I have me some time to give me two cents’ worth with a new game. Escape if You Can is the name, and fightin’ for yer miserable life to escape be the game! I been on lots o’ adventures, lad.. but nothing gives me the creepers more than this game here! Try it if ye dare!
About the game
There is nothing worse than being stuck in a quiet room with no means to escape. If you’re claustrophobic, it makes things even worse. That is the whole concept of Escape if You Can. You are placed in various rooms and you have to figure out ways on how you can escape.
Some are right there in your face, while certain levels will really have you going insane from racking your brain on what you should be doing to escape. The complete opposite of your typical puzzle or arcade game, Escape if You Can will be challenging right from the very beginning until the end.
Escape If You Can is laid out very simply so you can’t expect much in terms of graphics or animation. It’s just a room and there is a bunch of stuff lying around that you can tap in order to use. That being said, all you need to do is tap the screen and see if the objects are interactive or can be used as a tool. Moreover, some items or things are clues on how you can escape a particular room. There are no hints so you really have to fend for yourself with this one.
Some might find this game boring because there isn’t much to it at first glance. However, once you start playing it, the game will be impossible to put down. One good thing about Escape if You Can is that items are not repetitive. Meaning, you won’t see the same thing twice when you move to another room after you have escaped. Everything is fresh, new and even more challenging than the last one. One thing that is a downside is the response of the game to the touch controls. There are certain levels in which tapping certain objects is very hard to do, and often unresponsive unless you keep repeating your actions. Nevertheless, you will still be able to get past this minor flaw.
If it is thrills you’re looking for by using your brain, then this is the perfect game for you. Unlike other popular genres of games, escape titles will really have you at the edge of your seat even if there is nothing going on at all. Escape if You Can will test your patience, your ability to process information as well as logic to be able to move from one level to the next. I admit, not as good as the other prequels, but still, a dandy piece of work!