
Find Differences Review

On July 21, 2016

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Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Yer friendly app pirate is here again ready to share with ye another app review that I got from exploring the seven seas. It’s not all the time that we are booty hunting. Me and the crew spend a lot of time sailing to our next spot to dig out treasures. Aaarggghh! That time of travel can be very long. ‘Tis why we buccaneers find ways to keep ourselves busy. While others drink rum until they get drunk (aye, that’s also me sometimes, har, har, har!), this old salt would usually play on me phone. I enjoy those apps that I can play for an extended period so this bucko wouldn’t get bored. That’s the kind of app that I will share with ye me mateys today. It’s called Find Differences by Ivanovandapps. Batten down the hatches and let’s start with the review.

Classic Game, Easy to Understand

Find Differences App

Spotting the difference between two pictures is a classic game and it had been played in prints for a long time. While many thinks that this game is only for kids, this app makes it interesting for players of all ages and yes, that’s including adults. Instead of the typical cartoonish images that you would see, this one uses gorgeous images of various places and things. It’s very easy to play as you just have to find the differences between seemingly identical photos and tap them to complete a level.

Beautiful Postcard Images

As mentioned, this game is an upgrade from the traditional spot the difference game for kids as it uses gorgeous images as if you are looking on postcards. The images have lively colors and they have high resolutions so not only you’re playing, but your eyes are also feasting on the beautiful pictures.

Hundreds of Levels to Keep You Occupied

Find Differences Game

There are hundreds of levels to answer, which would let you unlock more content. You must spot 10 differences in each level, which is just a nice number as it’s not too few and it’s also not too many that you might get bored in one level. It’s also challenging enough to keep you interested, but it’s still manageable that it wouldn’t make you feel that frustrated. What’s good about it is that you could skip a level if you find it difficult to finish and just get back to it when you wish to.

The Good

There’s so much to like in this game, especially for those who are really into this game genre. One is the gorgeous images used that look more like postcards. It’s also challenging but not impossible to finish. You could skip the levels and go back to them anytime.

The Bad

The only drawback is that advertisements and pop ups could affect the experience. However, this is something that we could expect on free games so that’s still forgivable.

The Verdict

Aside from the advertisements that pop-up when playing, Find Differences is a good game and it’s recommended if you are into this type of puzzle game. It has gorgeous graphics, it’s challenging and it would keep you occupied, especially during downtime.

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