Ye gads! Monsters, monsters everywhere!!! Belay that talk of being shark bait, ye dogs! Let’s show these monsters who is lord of the ocean, and it is I! The App Pirate! We be showing them what it is to do the dance with Jack Ketch! Anyway, ‘fore I be making these monsters kiss the gunner’s daughter, allow me to tell ye ‘bout this new game that will surely shiver yer timbers! Are ye afraid of the dark? If aye, then ye still would enjoy Flashlight Monsters, a new game for ye iOS device.
Monsters in the Dark
So the premise of the game is built entirely on the fact that there are flying monsters living inside your house. The only trouble is, you don’t see them because they hate the light. This means that they only come out at night and during the day, they hide in the walls of your home.
So what’s a guy to do when there are monsters coming out during the night? Well, bring your flashlight out and shine it on them, of course! Basically, that is all there is to it. There are small, flying monsters that come out from the darkness and you need to shine a light on them so they could pop into thin air.
Game Play and Graphics
Obviously, you get points for popping them monsters with your flashlight. However, there are some monsters you need to avoid such as those who will subtract whatever time you have left on the screen. That brings us to another objective of the game, which is to pop as many monsters within a specific amount of time. The more monsters you shine a light on, the higher points you get. The graphics are quite cartoonish but very nice to look at, simply put. It does not offer you any over-the-top animation or CGI that will blow you away, but it does do the job of being able to entertain you.
Plus, the monsters are nothing scary so even kids can play the game. Actually that is the market the game is targeted for. It just so happens that adults will love it, too! As for the controls, it doesn’t get any simpler than what Flashlight Monsters is designed with. There are no buttons that you need to push. Just shine the light on the monsters and that’s all it takes to beat them.
Some games do not require you to think or strategize in order to have loads of fun, and that is what Flashlight Monsters is. A very simple game of eliminating small, adorable, flying monsters in the dark using your flashlight. It doesn’t get any easier than that. If you are looking for a time-waster and have some fun while you’re at it, then this should be a game you will definitely enjoy playing.
Finally, there is a free version you can download and a full one which has more levels that needs to be paid for. Of course, the paid-for version is loads more fun from the many stages you get to play with.

1 Comment
cute ;P