Ahoy there me buckos! Your friendly App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches and booties? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, let me tell ye about this new app me first mate and I be tinkerin’ about these days, and maybe ye can help us solve some of its puzzles. The app is called Flow Free.
This Flow Free review will give you an idea on what to expect on this application. This is a free puzzle game from Big Duck Games LLC, which is available for iOS and Android users.
Basic Game Play
The basic game play of Flow Free is pretty easy to understand. There are different colored dots on a board, which you need to connect on the dots that match their colors. The boards have varying sizes including 5×5, 8×8 and 9×9. To connect two dots with the same color, drag from one dot to the other, passing through the blank squares on the board. Pipes cannot overlap with each other so you must be careful on how you connect your dots.
There are 900 levels to complete in the game, which becomes harder as the game progresses. On the top most part of the game window is the game level and the board size. Below them are the number of flows or pipes created, number of moves, the best moves and how many percent the current puzzle has been solved. If you are stuck in a certain level, you can use one of your 3 free hints. Tap on the question mark icon on the lower right corner of the screen for a hint. However, once your free hints were used, you need to purchase them if you wish to use more. Get 5 hints for $0.99 and 20 hints for $2.99. You will get a check mark for each completed level or a star if you did better than the best moves.
Game Modes and Levels
There are two game modes to choose from. They are free play and time trial. For the free play, choose the game pack to play, which contains 150 levels each. Some of the available packs are regular pack, bonus pack, 8×8 pack and jumbo pack. There are packs that are only available through purchase. This includes green pack, purple pack and kids pack. You also have the option to unlock all packs for a discounted price.
There is no time limit to solve the puzzles on the free play mode. But on the time trial, as the term suggests, you have the options to solve puzzles within 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes or 4 minutes, depending on your preference. After solving one puzzle, another puzzle will show up until your time runs out. This is more nerve wracking as you are competing against time. If you are competitive and you want to feel the rush, this mode would be perfect for you.
The game play is pretty simple, as well as the graphics. However, this app will keep you thinking as the levels get harder. It doesn’t have a background music, which is good, especially if you are trying to focus on solving the puzzle. Overall, this is a game that you can play for a long time without getting bored.