Batten down the hatches and all hands hoay! I bring ye a sense of nostalgia with this awesome game for your iOS device. If ye be a man who has grown up in the last two decades as a gamer, then Frogger be a game that is eerily familiar to you. Aye, this be the exact game that had ye whip out your cat o’ nine tails from all the excitement. Young lads may not be familiar with the game, but it be something that will also put a smile on their faces.
Frogger returns once again in touch screen format to give ye that thrill you have been searching for in the last few years. A very simple game with quite modest graphics, it still be better than the other garbage that are released today.
The Objective of the Game
The frog needs to cross from point A to point B, in this case from the side of the road to the end which seems to be a swampy area. Now getting this little bugger all the way across will present a challenge to ye. One, the roads be filled with engines of destruction (cars) that come from every which way direction. So crossing the road be a challenge upon itself already. Then, besides that, ye also need to make the frog cross the river by jumping onto logs to get him across.
If by any chance the frog gets squished by a vehicle or falls into the water, the game be over already like a blimey buccaneer falling off the crow’s nest. This is where the challenge of the game come in. Ye need to move the frog up and down as well as left and right in an attempt to get him to the other side. Avoiding the cars and falling off the water are the main challenge of Frogger.
There are a few slots you need to get the frog to and it will not be as simple as it seems. You need to get him to each slot in order to complete the level or risk failing the game, matey.
This be the aspect of the game which brings back the fondest of memories, like a freshly-baked doughboy taken out of the oven on a rainy morning. Frogger contains the essence of classic gaming, from the graphics down to the background music and sound effects.
he view is top down, similar to a lot of classic arcade as well as Nintendo games. What has changed for this game is the controls. Since this be a touch-screen game, you shan’t be using a control pad. At the same time, a virtual D-pad is also not present as there is no use for it. Basically, ye be able to move the frog by just making swiping gestures on your screen. Regardless of direction, you can make the frog go wherever ye desire by simply swiping the screen.
Fun Factor
Frogger be a lot of fun, no doubt about it. Whether ye are a seasoned gamer or a young lad trying to catch a glimpse of what gaming was like in ye olden days, you will surely find enjoyment in this title. Ye be able to feel what it is like to live life as a frog trying to get home. Thank heavens that witches don’t cast spells anymore or else I be living my days as an actual frog! On a final note, Frogger costs $.99 in the App Store, which is a very good bargain I may add. It has an incredible replay value so ye won’t easily get bored with it.