It be an impossible feat to stay neutral in a war. Often, we as pirates have ta take time ta the right decisions as to whom to smuggle these goods to. It be great work for a pirate because we get a lot more sources fer smugglin’ and that is important for our movement of plunder. O’ course, we can’t just be trusting any kingdom, only the ones that be on the losing side fer they be the most desperate for good treasure.
As pirates, we did not choose ta pick a side, but still, the need ta learn about the different stratagems and dangers o’ war is important ta survive. This be the way we take the time to find all the material we can about war and how to avoid the battlefield. On this subject, here be our Game of War Fire Age review.
The Gameplay
There are a lot of different MMOs on smart phones, and it’s surprising just how much variation is put into each of these games. Of course, over time, the idea of each game starts to wane and eventually becomes homogenized and similar to one another. Unfortunately, Game of War suffers from these problems because it really doesn’t offer much in the way of new game mechanics. First off, you have to collect resources that will then be used for the creation of new buildings in your kingdom. They will also be used for research, which then makes building faster. As the title would suggest, there is also the implementation of war where you can create units and send them out to fight for you.
Your armies can be enhanced with the use of research, and also with the help of a hero, which can then buff each of them out. Of course, this game is F2P so you can and should expect an iAP elements where you can spend your hard earned cash on stuff that doesn’t exist. Moving on from the tropes that this game follows a little too closely, the new and unique feature is that Game of War allows a lot of player interaction. You aren’t just limited to playing with your friends or on a small server because the creators allow you to play with everyone in the world. Translation is smooth, and if you happen to be bilingual, you can also help in the crowdsourcing element to enhance each language in the game.
The Look and Gameplay
Strangely enough, the developers of this game have taken time in making a really detailed world for their players. The art is good, and the miniature wars fought between each player is pretty nice to look at. The avatars you can choose and are forced to interact with are pretty as well. The game gets bonus points for the UI because it is heavily detailed, so you can really get down in the dirt to micromanage your units.
As far as gameplay goes, this title does a great job. Unlike many other strategy games for iOS the gaming interface is really convenient and appealing. The social aspect of the game make it even more enticing and players always come back for more. Only one thing bothers me while this title though, my Lads and Lassies – Pirate are no way near to be found! Garrr!
The Verdict
While it isn’t a unique idea, for those that don’t play strategy games, there’s a lot of be had from GoW. Couple that with a huge fan base, and you get a game which can deliver on many levels, but still tries to get you to pay for a win. Pick up the game if you want to try the strategy genre on the phone, otherwise, you can do a lot worse with other titles so this title gets a pass.

This was a good game to start with but now I realise MZ are a bunch of money grabbers and have little interest in the gamers.There is so many glitches in the game and it’s cost me 100k tier 3 troops and do MZ care No all they are good at is taking your money end if.Theres even talk that the huge power players have been placed in this game to kill troops/traps to keep the gold buying going.If you look in all kingdoms all you see is thousands of empty inactive city’s because they’ve realised this game is a pay to win and that MZ don’t give a damn about it’s gamers just filling there pockets.
BE AWARE this game has no customer support. You may say, who cares but think about this I have put in a HUGE number of hours into an account and have lost access to that account via hacking or account corruption but honestly not sure how I lost access but after weeks of trying to contact them through their advertised methods of support they refuse to even answer my requests for help and support!!! So I am trying to make people aware that if you start playing this game do so at your own risk. IT does NOT matter if you have spent money in game or not and I because of the lack of customer support I would highly recommend you NOT spend any money in game.
Game of war sucks due to mz ineptitude. Servers crash and they don’t protect players when the servers come back online, therefore large alliances are able wipe out months of your work in the game. There is no customer support and no apologies. Don’t play this game, it’s not worth the time or the money. You cannot win when a company allows their own incompetence wipe out your time and money while playing.
Having had up to 7 accounts running concurrently in game of war I feel qualified to say that the only good thing about the game are the other players. The “pay to win” criticism will always apply to any game with in game purchasing. MZ’s mission to make the gamers buy “gold” from the iTunes Store is pursued relentlessly.
The reliability of the game is the real issue, when there is a lot going on during a competitive kill event the game simply cannot cope. First the graphics suffer. Then the glitches start to manifest themselves as the server fails to update the game fast enough. Pretty much the only way to correct these faults and force the server to update is to close the games app and restart it, by which time your troops are dead and your empire is in flames. Problems also occur with another part of the game which is a casino…. Not only does it encourage under 18’s to buy even more “gold” through the iTunes Store to gamble with but the prizes are intangible, to all intents and purposes utterly useless. An early introduction to a gambling addiction…. Cool eh? (Not)
Having been in over a half dozen kingdoms I can attest to the poor support, game glitches and money grabbing attitude of MZ. If you are a true gamer this game will frustrate you. Put is simply the is no need skill with the exception of forking money over to MZ for upgrades. In the majority of kingdoms one alliance usually has the upper hand due to spending tens of thousands of dollars to insure controlling power. It is a joke.
Loved this game but after investing so much of my time I’m not even able to go on! I have tried contacting the developers and no response! I was really into this game and loved my alliance but very disappointed on how MZ works to resolve the issues the game presents.. if they work on it at all.
Anything that can go wrong with this game, does. You can not sign on to the game right now. I lost all the gold I had won and /or purchase when there was a Coliseum Event and the game froze. I notified the serve and got no answer. I notified ITunes and was told that I had gotten help once before and continued playing with an App/Server that I knew was unreliable. ITunes no longer helps on solving any problem with this game! I told ITunes there should be a warning saying the customer if only helped one time, but of course ITunes continues to offer the App because, they are making part of the money players pour down this gofpher hole. SHAME ON YOU…..ITUNES!
I played this game for about one year, without paying a penny or buying any of their items. I have grown gradually more and more disenchanted, dissatisfied, and frustrated with the gaming experience — frequent software glitches and down-time from server maintenance etc. But the worst part of the experience has been the fact that ultra-high power players can attack any other player with impunity unless the smaller player purchases shields or purchases hundreds and hundreds of dollars of upgrades. Players who are over 100 million power should be in their own kingdom, but they are not, and there are ridiculously powerful players over 1 billion in power — it is my assessment that these mega-powerful (rather tera-powerful) “players” are actually planted there by MZ itself.
The net result is that what was once a fun game in Oct. 2013 has degraded into a game where the 100 million + power players who have spent tons of money reign free, and all other players must play extremely defensively without even the capability to rally powerful players – the odds are absolutely impossible. For that reason, I deleted the app off my iPhone today, even though I now have the highest level (SH21) city and was quite well established. Why? Because the game just isn’t fun anymore.
Not to mention the really crappy rewards for quests, casino, and monster hits lately — stupid “forge cores”, “core parts”, and “artifacts” that have absolutely no durability and expire within less than 30 minutes time… these have supplanted rewards of more substance like the occasional level 6 gem during epic quests.
You live in a Capitalist society, MZ is making money for people with a vested interest in the company.
If you dont like people making money move to a desert in Africa somewhere..
Game of War pulls many character models straight from World of Warcraft and I am disappointed in that they give Blizzard no credit… 0/10
“The game gets bonus points for the UI because it is heavily detailed”
Jesus christ. really? The thing looks and works like a 90’s website designed by a drunk blind man. Thier designers don’t understand what breathing room, hierarchy or focal points are. What are you talking about?
I agree with the above posts. Don’t start playing. Mz has developed a way to keep players attached by time invested. The game play is not good. There is no skill involved. Just pay a lot to win. And I mean thousands. Mz has suckered 200$ from me. More than any other game ever. And refuses to help when glitches destroy everything i have. Even this absurd amount of money doesn’t get you anywhere in the game. You can spend thousands on a scam buit on 80s quality code. My recommendation is start a campaign against big spending on crap programming for all gamers sake. And never support such a flawed and unethical game.
This game is terrible.
1. You have to live in the game just to survive.
2. You are screwed if you have to go to work and you exhausted your shields.
3. The ultra-powered players and their alliances take pride in squashing small alliances (which is very easy for them) and they call it “training” and will say “you should have been shielded” or “you should know when the kill events are happening” and there is no way you can retaliate against them without destroying the armies you spent months building.
4. The top 3 alliances (atleast in my kingdom) would make rules and then turn around and break the rules.
5. Once you get to level 10 or so, building your empire takes lots of resources, which, isn’t so bad if you are in an alliance. But it will take days, then weeks, then MONTHS to upgrade a single building!
So basically, you can get wiped out during any time of the day (even while you are sleeping!), you have to spend real money eventually just to protect what you spent the last month or 2 building.
And yeah, the developers are probably the highest powered players who are constantly burning your empire and telling you to buy shields (spend money or we continue to destroy your empire).
Worst game ever. Been playing for a few weeks and havent had any technical issues but when you start you are constantly attacked by max lvl players. Then they say its your fault for not knowing how to protect yourself which is not possible. Also the wall traps don’t work against the high lvl players armys, and since they are the ones attacking all the time its pointless to make any. Basically its not game of war its game of cowards.
I have been playing game of war for over a year.i am a 4 billon player spent stupid money and time on my account just to have my account stolen.i emailed mz and there customer service sucks.they love the money hate to help there customers.they take for ever to get back too you and don’t help you at all.if you ever played the game you would know that 4billon account don’t come to lose it and to be treated the way they do is horrible.if I knew this is how they were I would have never started this game and could have bout some thing worth having.
MZ is one of the best scams there is. Veru unrealistic, even ridiculous. There is no defense advantage like real warfare. Who in the hell thought of cities flying through the air(teleporting). Any army suffers casualties just in ,arching long distances. In this game if you buy power, you have unrealistic advantage over others. Also, connection problems…I think on purpose, so your city’s peace shield will expire and you will be wiped out and have to buy more stuff to stay in the game. Best thing is to deconstruct, down to level one so hero will stay in the city forever and there will be nothing for the bully cowards to steal from you…and save your TIME and MONEY for other worthwhile endeavors. This should be called. Game of Scam..for that is what it is. And as far as pepople making money, big o nate…no won’t move to Sahara desert…just refuse to be scammed by immoral ultra capitalist thieves!