
Ghost Town Adventures Review

On January 5, 2017

Ghost Town Adventures Icon

Avast ye me hearties! Ye all know how brave this bucko is and how I can fight any other buccaneers that get in me and me crew’s way, aye? I’ll tell ye a secret but don’t let the other pirates know as they will be laughing as this old sale. I trust ye with this secret me lads and lasses. Did ye know that I’m afraid of ghosts? Aye, I can fight anyone, but I’ll run if there’s a ghost. Well, not in this app called Ghost Town Adventures by Webgames Limited. ‘Tis the only time that this bucko fights ghosts and isn’t afraid of them. Har, har, har. Let me tell ye more about this adventure game with this review.

Awesome Graphics and Movement

Ghost Town Adventures Review

One of the first things that you’ll notice in this app is its graphics. It’s colorful and it’s very detailed. Every house a different layout, design, and items in them. There are even secret passages to discover. The movement of the character when walking around the house or town, and when doing something like fighting a ghost or rummaging is smooth.

Comes with a Back Story

Ghost Town Adventures App

What’s good about this is that you’ll know the story behind the game. It starts when the main character that you play received a letter about her grandpa and decided to find him, which led her to the ghost town. Her grandpa’s ghost also told her the story on what happened to the town. This makes playing more interesting because you know what happened and what exactly you are playing for.

So Much to Explore

Another good thing about this app is that there are several houses in town that you can explore, which means more playtime. There are also tasks to complete that makes the app more fun to play as there’s a specific direction that you need to go to instead of just exploring around and not having an idea what to do.

Takes Time to Complete Tasks

A huge drawback that’s deal breaker is that it takes a long time to complete a process. You cannot complete a task and proceed to the next one without having to wait for an hour or more, unless you decide to speed it up using a gem, which is the premium currency. However, not all players want to pay real money for that, so it can be frustrating to wait.

The Good

Ghost Town Adventure has several good sides and one of them is its amazing graphics that will make your eyes happy. It also has loads of content to explore, plus it comes with a back story so you’ll know more about the game.

The Bad

While it’s normal for games like this for some processes to take some time to complete, most apps typically require you to wait minutes. However, this app takes longer as process completion may take an hour or more, which is inconvenient, unless you pay for real money.

The Verdict

It would have been better if the time it takes to wait for processes to complete will only take a few minutes instead of hours. Aside from that, this is an interesting and fun game to play. If you can look over the waiting time, then it’s a good app to add on your list.

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