Well hey there me buckos! Did ye know that Calypso be an app addict like me. Aye, believe it or not, Calypso be hooked on her iPhone fer hours on end. One night, we saw her on Pirate skulk island playin’ this game called Graviton Block. Me first mate decided to try it out and he was hooked instantly. I took a look as well, and lo and behold, we discovered a winner thanks to old Calypso.
Graviton Block is a throwback to a classic, Tetris. Remember the good old days, when Tetris used to blow our minds? Well, Graviton by Neotko Studios, brings the whole mind-blowing back and pretty much to a higher level. Right of the bat, it is a straight-up puzzle-wonder. Here is the breakdown.
The Gist
Tetris is a game that required you to place and fit certain pieces to complete one whole platform in order to eliminate the blocks composing it. Graviton Block takes the same theme but makes it more challenging. In Graviton Block, you are tasked to create a collection of blocks of 3X3.Every successful 3X3 block will be eliminated, much like a line of blocks was eliminated in Tetris. Sounds easy, right? Well, there are more twists to the classic theme.
There are 3 more twists in this game, which makes it supremely different and more challenging than Tetris. These twists are in the form of small cubes called Graviton blocks. There are 3 types of Gravitons, a positively charged one, a negatively charged one, and a neutral one. The positively charged one will attract other blocks to its field in order to form the 3X3 cube you desire.
Place it perfectly and you will have an easier time. The negative one will repel blocks. If you are not careful in place these Gravitons, you will find a lot of the blocks you placed thrown out of place. The neutral ones aren’t affected by any of the two previous ones, which actually kind of make them wildcards, able to help in any way.
There are three game play modes in in this game, Easy, Alpha and Omega. While the easy mode will be easier to arrange and the Graviton particles will affect only the lower side of the pieces, you will find much more challenge in the Alpha and Omega versions where the Gravitons affect the entire pieces, game is way more complex, rapid pace and so on.
The modern feel of Graviton Blocks is somewhat apt, making it really feel like Tetris on steroids and in the year 2013. It is sleek and somewhat futuristic, and with the whole physical fields to deal with, the game pretty much catches the eye and fancy. Aye, My crew and i love them Gravitons!
Bottom Line
I believe Graviton Blocks will become a classic in its own right later on, much like Tetris is today. If you love Tetris, you will surely get a kick out of this. The game is free, by the way, so it will really be strange if you don’t pick this up. The game is well-designed, challenging, graphically dated, and quite educational. It is available on iTunes as well as on Google Play for all you Android aficionados. Tested the game on both and found no glitches or bugs.

1 Comment
We have updated the Android and iPhone/iPad versions so now players can unlock Alpha & Omega by getting big highscores! Enjoyyy
Thank you very much for the review! Arrr! 😀