
Hair Changer Review

On September 29, 2016


Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Hope yer having a fine day. This old salt is ‘acause there are loads of booties we found from our recent adventure. But even though me drunk a lot of rum, I didn’t forget to prepare an app review for ye. Well, this one is for more me lasses than me lads. The app that I will share with ye today me mateys is called Hair Changer by Beews Studio. Avast ye and let’s begin!

Wide Selections of Different Hairstyles


There are several hairstyles to choose from although they are only for girls. However, the hairstyles themselves are nice to look at and they would give you different ideas on what you may want to do with your own hair. There are short to long hairstyle, and they also come in different colors. The intensity of the hair color can also be adjusted.

More Than Just a Hairstyle App

This free app may have advertisements but a good thing about aside from its wide range of hairstyles available are the added features that you could use to enhance your photo and add designs. You could change your eye color and add false eyelashes, although they difficult to fit on your face. However, the tiaras, shades, hearts, and other designs are also fun to use and there are loads of them. Actually, we find these features more fun than the using the hairstyles.

Not the Most User Friendly


The main function of this app is to see how you would look like with the different hairstyles available. However, this is difficult to do as you need to drag and resize the hairstyles to fit your face. This is difficult to do, especially if you have a small screen. As mentioned, the eye color and the eyelashes are even more difficult to apply since they are smaller. They eye colors wouldn’t work at all since they would not actually change your eye color, but there is like a contact lens that you would need to drag in your eyes. They are circle but you can’t insert them inside the eyes of your picture so they look bad.

Most Hairstyles Don’t Look Natural

You would need the right angle of the picture to work with the specific hairstyles that you wish to try. While you can rotate and change the angel of the hairstyles, that would be very difficult. So your best option is to just find a picture that would work best for it. There’s also an option to snap a new photo so you may want to do that too to get the right angle.

The Good

This app is free to download and it has loads of hairstyles to choose from. There are also great features to make the picture more beautiful like the crowns, shades and stickers.

The Bad

It has advertisements and it’s not that user friendly. It’s difficult to make the hairstyle fit the hair making most of them to not look natural.

The Verdict

If you want to have an idea on what you would possibly look like with different hairstyles or you want to find new hairstyle ideas to try, you may download this app, although don’t expect that the hairstyle would completely look natural. However, the stickers and other designs are really nice so you would enjoy them.

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