Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches, booty, the occasional kraken and all that? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, let me tell ye about this new app me first mate and I be tinkerin’ about these days, and maybe ye can help us complete some of its mini games. The app is called the Hardest Game 2 or the Hardest Game Ever 2.
The Basic Game Play
The Hardest Game Ever 2 is the second installment of the game Hardest Game Ever from Orangenose Studios. Like the first app, this one is also free. It offers more stages and added difficulty level that would make you addicted. It has 24 stages with 4 difficulty levels including easy, normal, hard and insane. You need to complete one stage before you can unlock the next stage. Depending on how fast you completed the game and your accuracy, you can get a score of S, A, B, C, D or E; S being the highest and E being the lowest.
Some of the stages are easier to complete than others. You might find yourself stuck on a particular stage because of its difficulty. After several tries and you still fail, you will be offered some cheats. However, these cheats do not come for free. In fact, they are a bit pricey. One cheat costs $0.99, which is already equivalent to the price of other paid apps. This is just an option so if you don’t want to purchase cheats, you can still continue playing the game with your own skills and effort. The mini games are fun to play and some are hilarious. They range from simple to rock, paper, scissors game to balancing the head of a sleepy boy. The games may sound simple but they are challenging when you try them.
Graphics and Sounds
The graphics of the app is cartoon-like with vibrant colors that are appealing to the eye. The sound of ticking clock is what you will hear aside from the sounds that play when you hit something on the screen or when you get your final score. The sound of the ticking clock adds to the excitement since you would feel that you are under time pressure. So focus is needed in order to complete the stages.
Aye, this version of the game is way more perky than it’s predecessor. Indeed it is a true gem, one of such that can be fun on the old Davey’s Jones Locker deep inside the belly of the ocean… Let me tell you Lad, one day i’d be getting me hands on this fine treasure, all will see. Ha-Ha-Ha!
The Verdict
If you are looking for a simple yet challenging game to play, then Hardest Game Ever 2 is a must try. Do not be fooled by its cartoon like graphics and goals that seem easy to complete because once you try this game, you would feel the challenge. You need to think and act fast in order to survive all stages. The downside of this game is that you do not have access even to one free cheat that would let you skip a stage. In-app purchase cheats are available but this can put a hole on your pocket.