
Hello! My Cozy Inn Review

On March 21, 2025

Hello My Cozy Inn Icon

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me hearties! Yer friendly app pirate is back from a relaxing trip. Aye, me and the crew had the time off from booty hunting, and stopped by land to meet some friends, and also explore what the place has to offer. We came across this tranquil inn where we stayed overnight. It was peaceful, and beautiful. The staff was also nice and polite. Their service was top-notch and their food was exceptional too. The overall experience was superb, and we would definitely come back if given the chance. It reminded me of this game I played, which I will share with ye in this app review. It’s called Hello! My Cozy Inn by Shimmer Studio.

It has calming artwork and background music

Hello My Cozy Inn Review

The graphics of the game will relax your eyes. They are tiny but detailed. You start with an old inn that you need to fix and upgrade. But even with its condition in the beginning, the mess still somehow is not an eyesore because of its pretty artwork. The place and background music has an oriental theme, which makes you feel like in a classic Chinese movie. 

It’s free but the advertisements are long

Hello My Cozy Inn App

This app is free to download and play. It’s not difficult to progress even without spending real money. There are advertisements that you can watch that will give you rewards to speed things up. However, they can be a minute long and there’s no way to close them once you watch them. There are also times that the game freezes when watching these ads, which force you to close the entire app, and not get your rewards. 

It’s entertaining and it will keep you occupied

This is a fun and entertaining game that will keep you focused. It’s perfect if you want to kill time as there are many things to do, especially once you upgraded and grew the inn. There are various tasks to complete that eventually help in growing the place, serving more customers, and increasing your earnings. Although you can choose to add decorations and different items, you are not free to move them to your preference or customize the look of the inn. You can just tap them and they will be automatically placed on their designated spots. The game is fast paced and it covers everything from getting customer orders to cleaning utensils. There are also dialogues among the characters, which makes you feel like you are uncovering a story. 

Thumbs up

This game is free to download and it has relaxing artwork and background music. It’s content-rich, fast-paced, and enjoyable. 

Thumbs down

The advertisements are long and the app could freeze when watching them forcing you to close the game. You can’t customize the design of the inn. 

The verdict

We recommend Hello! My Cozy Inn to everyone looking for a fast-paced and enjoyable management game. It’s free and the adorable images are calming. There are so many things to do that will keep you occupied. You can progress in the game without spending real money.

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