Ahoy Mateys! A pirate like me leads a tough life sailing the seven seas. And when you have hard days of work you must know how to unwind. That is why me and me lads have fun by racing on our small rowboats. You know, it is just like how you land lubbers race around in those small cars called motorcycles. I get a rush racing in them small boats. So I thought I have to try these motorcycles. And I did with the mobile game app Highway Rider. I had fun playing the game. Here is my review so you can see why.
A Pirate Riding a Motorcycle
Arrr! Can you imagine the feeling of air flowing through your hair as you zoom on highways in your motorcycle? I sure cannot because I have not tried riding an actual motorbike on the road. But some say that the mobile game app Highway Rider is the closest you can get to the actual riding experience. I am not so sure on how to go about a motorcycle. There are lots of hand pedals and toggles to use to make it run. But in the game, I do not have to worry about those mechanical barnacles. What I enjoy about it is revving up the motorcycle to run the road and swishing through obstacles. It might be hard for a wood peg legged pirate to keep the balance, but in the game it is my hand that does the moving. With just a tilt of my mobile device the motorcycle moves toward that direction. See that was very simple. What can I say about this game is that it is not about being geeky in the actual sense of riding the real bike. The game was designed for you to feel the rush immediately and do the cool stuff like dodging moving cars and trucks. This is no realistic simulator but more of a feel the thrill of speed type of game. This does not mean that the game is lacking. It is all a matter of preference. If you like to keep it simple and just feel the rush, then this is the motorcycle mobile game app for you. If you want to feel the real simulator, the game might seem lacking for you.
Scoring System
Since Highway Rider is more of a game and less of a simulator, there is a fun scoring system in effect. And true to the purpose of the game, you will not be judged according on how technical or how smooth your ride is. You will be scored according to how cool or amazing your road stunts are. And by stunts I mean the cutting of other vehicles. In the game, the closer your distance is to the vehicle you cut, the higher your score is. So if you are a risk taker, you will love the game to no end. It will be on your hand for countless hours. Just like what I did when I first played the game. Remember when you play, the goal is to put Evil Knievel to shame. Dare to run fast and cut hard.
The Doctors Bill
How can you know if your riding is daring? When you know what is at stake. In the game, no matter how hard you get hit or get run over, you will not die. What you will get instead is the projected medical bill from the injuries your avatar has sustained. It might seem morbid to some, but you will find it that the medical bill is a cute touch to the game.
Highway Rider may be too simple to be a motorcycle simulator. But its simplicity is its strength. It is true to its mobile game app DNA. You load it and play it without much hassle.