Avast that, mateys! Blimey! This be one addled trip I be tellin’ ye, laddie! E’ery turn me ship makes there be a chase happening not so very far away. Aye, ye ain’t innerested in boooooring stuff the life a pirate lives, I be seein’ it in yer deadlights! Handsomely, allow me to tell you ‘bout this game here I be fancyin’ recently. Hill Bill is the name and daredevil racing be the game!
Hill Bill Game
Hill Bill takes your average redneck man and puts him behind the wheel of a run-down bike with the hopes and dreams of becoming like his hero, Evil Knievel. The story goes like this: Bill wants to become a daredevil driver and he starts to set things up right in his own backyard. Using improvised ramps, he starts to practice and become better at it. Soon, we see our hero taking his driving skills on the road across six different areas to play in.
There are over 60 levels in this game and each one is as challenging as the stage before. You will need to perform heart-stopping jumps over various things, which include animals, planes, dirty old cars, plain junk and even over canyons. The six worlds you will play in starts from Bill’s Backyard, moving on to The Swamp and other areas before moving on to the greatest track of them all: The Grand Canyon.
Features of the Game
This game requires you to not only get across each level by jumping, but makes you earn points by doing tricks mid air. You will gain higher points by performing flips, superman poses, wheelies and a whole lot more. Every level has a star rating system, in which one of your goals is to get the highest scores possible. Hill Bill also allows you to earn money called Star Spangled Bucks, which allows you to buy new clothes and even upgrade your bike to new and better ones.
Gameplay and Graphics
The animation of Hill Bill is quite extraordinary. Looking at the game while you play it is a treat for the eyes and senses. It is fun to see exploding stuff and Bill’s reaction as well as body language when he jumps. It is as if you were doing it for real! The environment is interactive which means you can actually crash into stuff, flying birds included.
As far as controls go, finger gestures are all it takes to make Bill go as well as perform tricks in the air. Plus, it is very easy to learn all these things once you get started with the game. True, the game isn’t that complex but it’s just at the perfect balance between being too easy to decently hard.
Hill Bill allows you to download additional content at no extra charge. After making the initial purchase of $.99, everything else you download for the game is for free. You will be able to play in new worlds, which will have tons of levels, new gear, bikes and a plethora of freebies that have yet to be released. If you like fun and entertaining games that involve tricks or explosions, Hill Bill is the perfect game for your device.