Ahoy there, mateys! Raise the jolly roger for we have another app that all you hipsters will surely love. Aye, with today’s technology and gadgets for photo taking, gone are the days where classic pictures with very low-fi effects are seen. I still remember a time when me camera used film to take pictures and not this godforsaken memory stick. However, like everything else, I adapted with today’s advances.
Fortunately, there is an app that allows me to celebrate classic photos that have various nostalgic as well as retro effects that I can use for all me photos. Hipstamatic for the Android and the iOS gives you the opportunity create classic looks for all the photos you take and share it with your mates.
The Features
The features are the best part of Hipstamatic. I like it like I love to eat cacklefruit and doughboys. From the very first time ye open the app, it gives you that immediate rush of nostalgia. The appearance of the interface is similar to one of ye olden cameras from the days of yore, like those instamatic cameras that were sold back in the day.
Although you won’t be able to use the volume button of your device to take a picture, ye be able to do so by tapping the screen. At the same time, the self-facing camera is not available for use which is quite a lacking feature. However, there be many great features about Hipstamatic which makes it an awesome app. For instance, when the flash be turned on, a bulb-like sound is emitted similar to what was used back in the day. Of course, it is also the effects of the app that make using it a favorite of freebooters.
The effects are plentiful and there are various types of “films” and “lens” that can be picked out before you start editing. To narrow it down for ye, the effects that are more likely to be seen are crooked edges on photos as well as faded colors. That’s the way photos used to be so doing it today kind of gives the photos a “hipster” look. Hence, the name “Hipstamatic” comes into play. Aye, one thing that I know for sure is that me pictures be looking great when I use this app.
While I be swooning over the features, there are certain things about Hipstamatic that made me wanted to blow the man down for a wee bit. I did not appreciate the fact that I had to spend additional loot to get more out of the app. For example, if I wanted to buy a Hipstapak which gives me more lens and types of film, I needed to spend another $.99 for it. On the other hand, the additional pack was a worthy investment as I had more choices for me Hipstamatic app. Plus, another drawback is that you are not able to use photos that are already on your device before ye downloaded the app. Only photos taken using Hipstamatic can be edited. Nonetheless, I still love me app.
Ease of use and the lowdown
In very simple terms, Hipstamatic is very simple to use. The instructions are pretty much laid out for ye which make it quite simple to start shootin’ and editin’. Despite its very minimal drawbacks, the app still manages to win hearts over with its fantastic features that will surely make you feel like ye are travelling back in time. If I be travelling back in time that would be pretty awkward considering a lot of soldiers are still on the hunt for me ship. Enjoy!