Awww! I love hippos. Aye, this pirate adores those big animals, though me parrot friend is scared of ‘em. I don’t understand why ‘cause I think that they are endearing. ‘Tis maybe the reason why this bucko enjoyed the game Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Hungry Hungry Hippos is available for free for iOS users. It was developed by Hasbro, Inc. based from the popular tabletop game by Fred Kroll, who was a toy inventor. It generally has the same concept, though some of the hippos have been changed, as well as renamed.
Game Basics
In the original game, the gameboard is surrounded by 4 hippos. Each player controls a hippo, which they continuously smack at the back to get as many marbles as they can. The plastic marbles are placed in the middle of the board. The game ends when there is no more marble left in the gameboard. The player with the most number of marbles collected wins the game.
The iOS application has the same gameplay, though real gameboard is not needed. Furthermore, instead of marbles, apples and bananas that are floating on the water are collected by the hippos. Tap on your hippo to make it move as fast as you can and grab the most number of fruits. There are no levels or challenges to complete. Once the game ends, you can replay as much as you want. The music adds excitement to the game, though it can be turned off by tapping on the mute music option on the main menu.
There are 3 game modes to choose from. The single player mode will let you test how fast you can collect all fruits. Beat your own achievement by playing again. The Hippo Vs Hippo mode will let you play with other players, which can be more fun. With Hippo Vs Computer, choose two hippos to battle each other and see which one prevails.
Meet the Hippos
In the original version of the game, the four hippos are colored purple, orange, green and yellow. The purple hippo is Lizzie, the orange is Henry, the green is Homer and the yellow is Harry. The mobile game version does not have a purple hippo but a blue one.
The hippos for the app are Sweetie Potamus (blue), Veggie Potamus (green), Hungry Hippo (orange) and Bottomless Potamus (yellow). Though they have varying colors and cool sounding names, they do not have special skills or abilities. So whatever color of hippo you choose, you will win the game depending on how fast you make it move.
If you have played the original boardgame in your childhood, it will bring back good old memories of the past. Though this can still be played by adults, it is more applicable for kids. This is because there is really not much challenge in the game. However, its graphics and sounds are phenomenal. But it will be more exciting if there are levels to complete or challenges to perform. It’s also better if the hippos have special skills, powers or abilities that will impact the game.