Ahoy there! During those long days in me ship sailing with me bilge rat of a crew, things can get rather dry. Although I like to gamble with me mates on certain occasions, I would much rather prefer the Spades game. Fortunately, I have come across iSpadez that is available for both Android as well as iOS devices. If you love playing card games, then you are surely in for a fantastic treat.
iSpadez is a card game that is quite simple to understand. Simply put, spade cards always trump every other suit in your opponent’s hand. So the more spades you have, the better chances of winning you get. Of course, this all depends on the variation of the game you are playing. There are lots you can choose from especially in this app.
The Features of the App
The interface of iSpadez is very simple as the game focuses on the ease of use rather than expand on flashiness and other things that do not really matter. One of the undoubted great features of the app is you can essentially play alone. Not really alone, though. You get to battle it out against three robots in the app.
On the other hand, you can also be adventurous and play online against other players of iSpadez all over the world. What makes this game so different from any other Spades game that has ever been released is the amount of features and variations you can play. Of course, that is just the way I like it. A pirate does not simply get bound and tied up with one game alone.
Game Variations
As an App Pirate, I like to have my choice. That is why it is a good thing that the iSpadez app has so many variations so that players won’t get bored playing the same thing over and over again. I personally like the Suicide variation in which the four players are partnered into groups of two. Pirates need teammates too, you know! However, you can also play the Standard game, which uses a standard deck or the Classic, a variation that has the small and big Joker.
Other variations of Spades in this app also include Bag ‘Em where you will be able to sandbag your opponent, Mirror where you are only able to bid exactly the amount of the number of spades you have and finally Deuces High, where all the deuces are replaced with a Joker. Depending on your preference, there is a variation you can choose in iSpadez.
The Fun Factor
Corsairs such as I love pretty things, which is why we loot treasures in the first place. I could say the same thing about the iSpadez app. When it is played using the right device, the graphics stand out and there are some pretty sweet animations that happen throughout the game.
Plus, what’s fun about it is that you can customize the rules and settings if you find something you do not like. For instance, I hate it when another person coxswains me not only in steering the ship, but for games as well. I can disable certain settings to play the game the way I want to. Other than that, if the robots in the app seem too smart for me, I can just lower the artificial intelligence.
The Last Word
Finally, iSpadez is a must-have especially if you love playing card games. It is not that expensive ($1.99) and for the price, it’s like having multiple games in one app because of all the variations of Spades. So, don’t be a fool and avoid other apps before I make you walk the plank!

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