Ahoy there, my hearties! It be me, the App Pirate who’s ready and willin’ to bring you yet another fun game you can play! Before that, however, let me regale ye with another tale o’ one of me misadventures. Way back when, during me youth I happened upon me first pirate ship. They took me in on the premise that they’d bring me adventure in a jungle. Those were frightful days, and no doubt, the hunt we partook in was a dangerous one. It was a might jungle cat that stalked us for many days, until we could no longer take the wrath of Hungry Hank in our own little Jungle Rumble.
The Gameplay
Endless runners never fail to capture the imagination, and sometimes the money, of many mobile gamers. Ever since Temple Run popularized the genre, there have been countless entries and a lot of them have been great. Jungle Rumble tries to follow suit but offers a few new tricks of its own.
First off, the game doesn’t pit you against and endless trial. Instead, you’ll be treated to level based challenges rather than endless running. On each level, you’ll have to help Hungry Hank quell his insatiable appetites but taking out the critters ahead of you. Once you take down each obstacle, you’ll be treated to a variety of different food stuffs, which is great because Hank is one hungry Tiger.
Of course, Hank, being the sophisticated creature that he is, isn’t simply armed with his claws. The default weapon is a pea shooter which works well in the defense of his person. Along the way though, you can gather other weapons like rifles and shotguns, which pack more of a wallop. These are purely temporary weapons though, so you might want to think about when to use them.
The GamePlay and Graphics
All of this mix to become a great little runner, but there is an unfortunate catch to the game. Freemium games have never actually been free, and in Jungle Rumble’s case, that’s very evident. You see every few levels or so, you’ll find that your progress is impeded. In order to advance, you’ll have to pay with the gold you collected along each level. When you pick up this game, be prepared for a ton of grinding because there is never enough gold on each level to unlock the next stages.
Once you start this game up, you’ll probably notice that everything in each level is pretty well designed. This is probably because of the level of care and detail put into animating little Hank along with his adversaries. Couple that with great looking environments, and you have an app that really tries to show off its stuff.
The Verdict
Jungle Rumble is a fun game that takes a solid mechanic and does something a little different with it. It’s got tight controls, fun mechanics, and the weapons provide enough variety so you’ll keep interested. However, it is also a let down but a very intrusive pay-to-play model that keeps you grinding until you get fed up and then just give it real world money. Overall, Jungle Rumble isn’t a bad example of a game and you should really check it out. However, be aware that in order to advance, you’ll have to play the same levels for hours on end.